St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 8 Term 1 2025 Newsletter

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Week 8 Term 1 2025 Newsletter

    Lord, as we journey through this Lenten season, we offer you our hearts and minds, seeking your grace and guidance. Help us to deepen our prayer life, to fast with sincerity, and to practice acts of charity, all to draw closer to you. May this time of reflection and renewal lead us to a more vibrant faith and a deeper love for you. Amen." 

    Dear parents and carers,

    It has been a busy couple of weeks with our St Joseph’s Feast Day last week, we have had our Year 3 students preparing for their First Reconciliation tonight, our swimmers are heading to the regional carnival next week as well as teams in Futsal Gala Days and the Athletics Carnival, there is a casual clothes day tomorrow to raise money for Caritas Australia and a bake sale on Friday. I love the energy and variety that comes from all that happens here at school! Please keep up to date via the Compass App.

    School Community Council

    Last night the School Community Council Executive met for the first time in 2025. I thank the members of the Council for giving their time to this important parent committee to share ideas, form plans and to take the lead with upcoming initiatives.

    Council Executive 2025

    Parish Priest

    Fr Anthony (Thonn) Riosa


    Cameron Tarrant


    Linda Uzubalis

    Deputy Chair

    Pip Cleary


    Shauna McKay


    Niki Best

    ELC Director

    Beth Lehmensich

    Staff Rep

    Beth Hawkes

    Parent Reps

    Sarah-Jane McCormack

    Lisa Barnwell

    Sarah McDougall

    Bec Jackson

     The key discussion points from the meeting include -

    • Welcome of new members and introduction to the Council.
    • Acknowledgement of support from the Council in 2024 for the purchase of more sets of LEGO to support STEM initiatives in Years 3 and 4. These resources are already in place and being thoroughly enjoyed by the students!
    • Parish update – Fr Thonn is working to have a children’s liturgy as part of 8.30am Sunday mass. I am meeting with him in the coming weeks to offer support and find ways to foster connections between the school and the parish.
    • Building update – Things are progressing well with significant internal demolition already completed. Soon we will see the demolition of the external walls of the existing front entrance areas of the school. In the coming weeks I will share further plans and video walk-thrus of the new office and admin spaces.
    • Initial discussions around key master planning ideas including oval renewal, heating / cooling in the hall, canteen upgrade. The Council will continue this process, including a request for engagement from all parents around key priorities going forward.
    • 2026 is the 70th Anniversary of St Joseph’s Primary School. This will be a key focus for all of our school community and will incorporate a number of significant events. There will be a call for planning ideas and help, and involvement from all in our school community.

    What can I do at home to help my child succeed academically and socially at school?

    Last week, I was asked to contribute to an upcoming publication in the Catholic Voice, answering the above question. Below is my response, providing a broad insight into just a couple of priorities I see as important.

    An important opportunity to support your child’s success at school is to foster a sense of responsibility and self-reliance in your child. From an early age, and right throughout your child’s schooling, it is vital to set and maintain high expectations of taking responsibility for their belongings, their decisions, and their efforts at school.

    Schools will inevitably have expectations around behaviour and effort, but this should first and foremost come from home, and the child themselves. Children who can enter school confidently, carrying their own bag or signing themselves in late when in high school, demonstrate they understand they are able to take control of how their school day begins.

    Children who know their parents or carers expect they will learn and thrive at school, will feel supported to try their best and to accept when things don’t go as they planned. If they struggle with an aspect of their learning, or a friendship falters, having the strength to be self-reliant allows them to see their role in improving the situation.

    Speak openly with your child about what success looks like and how they can be responsible for their part in achieving it. Share that success for your child will look different to others, and this is ok.

    From these brief insights, it is clear the value I place on the students being responsible and confident, and when in class, ready to learn. I encourage all parents to consider how these messages can be supported at home and in the daily transition to school. Carrying your child’s bag into the courtyard might help in some way, but it also removes the expectation that they are very able to carry it themselves. It also means you must carry it! It might seem a little thing, but it sets an expectation.

    Similarly with allowing your child to make their own way to Morning Gathering lines, either from carline or if necessary, after being walked into the courtyard. It is lovely to have parents wait and see their children move off to start their day, but it is actually not supporting some to have the best start to their day. Please consider what expectations you want to set for your child to have success here at school.

    School and family Counsellor

    Once again, I want to promote that St Joseph’s has a School and Family Counsellor working at the school every Monday and Tuesday. Please feel free to touch base with Michelle if you have any questions or concerns relating to the counselling service at the school -

    Please use this link to complete a referral for Michelle to make contact with you -


    Carpark – Thursday 27 March the carpark is having repairs to the potholes and cracking. This will not impact morning drop off or afternoon pick up, but please be aware parking may not be possible throughout the day.

    Casual Dress – Thursday 27 March is a casual clothes day for Caritas Australia. It is a gold coin donation to raise funds.

    Bake sale – Friday 28 March is the Snack Shack Bake Sale. There will be lots of yummy treats available for the students to buy from the Snack Shack.

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant

    Read Less

    St Joseph’s Day

    On the Feast of St Joseph, last Wednesday the 19th March, our whole school and Early Learning Centre (ELC) came together as a community for a special celebration. The day began with a beautiful Mass, where we will gathered in prayer and gratitude for St Joseph’s silent role as the willing husband of Mary and the Father of Jesus. After morning tea all students embarked on a pilgrimage reflecting on the lives of St Joseph and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, two inspiring figures of faith and service.


    As part of the Jubilee Year of Hope, we also walked through our own replica of a Holy Door.

    A Holy Door is a special door in certain big Catholic churches that is only opened during a Jubilee Year—a very important celebration in the Catholic Church that happens every 25 years. This year is the Jubilee Year of Hope.

    A Holy Door is a beautiful door that stays closed for most of the time. But every Jubilee Year, the Pope (Pope Francis this year) opens this door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. We created our own replica of a Holy Door using flowers made at the beginning of the year. 

    Walking through this door is a special way for people to show their love for God and receive His mercy. God’s mercy is His great kindness and love for us, even when we make mistakes. It means that no matter what we do, God is always ready to forgive us and help us start again.


    Project Compassion

    We are excited to support Project Compassion – Uniting Against Poverty by holding a Free Dress Day on Thursday, 27th March. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and make a difference in the lives of those in need. We encourage students to wear casual clothes and bring a gold coin donation, which will go directly to Caritas Australia to support communities experiencing poverty. Through this initiative, we hope to inspire compassion, generosity, and social responsibility in our students. Thank you for your support in helping us create a positive impact!



    Sacrament of Reconciliation

    Congratulations to all the children who are celebrating and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation tonight! This beautiful sacrament is a special encounter with God’s mercy, offering grace, healing, and a renewed heart. As they take this important step in their faith journey, let us keep them in our prayers, asking God to bless them with peace, joy, and a deep understanding of His endless love and forgiveness. May this experience strengthen their relationship with Christ and inspire them to continue growing in faith. We rejoice with them and their families on this sacred occasion!

    Blake B Dut K Aaron R
    Harriet B Gianna L Antonino R
    Lily B Ryder M Lyon R
    Amelia B Finn M Joel S
    Atiana B Brigid M Elliot S
    Elsie C Beatrix M Jordan S
    Nathan D Madison M Thomas S
    Ivy E Hugo M Lachlan T
    Matilda G Aidan O Billy T
    Michael H Eloise P Winifred W-B
    Leo J-P Charlie P Henry W
    Olivia K Harriet P


    With the Holy Spirit

    Kirstie Buckley

    Religious Education Coordinator


    All entries for the Finding Freedom competition have been submitted to St Vincent De Paul’s. A snapshot of the artworks are above. Haven’t they done a wonderful job!

    During Defence Kids Club sessions we are now working towards preparing a meaningful Anzac Day service which will be held on Wednesday 30th April (Week 1, Term 2) at 2.15pm in the hall. All are welcome and we hope you can join us.




    Partner Employment Assistance Program (PEAP)
    The PEAP is now live! Register to claim reimbursement up to a total of $1500 for services including: • Career support and coaching. • Professional licensing, checks and registration. • Employment related training. The updated and enhanced PEAP allows eligible partners to claim reimbursement for a variety of costs, up to a total of $1500 per financial year. Partners are required to be registered with the program to access the benefit. To register for PEAP, the ADF member and partner must meet relevant criteria. For eligibility criteria and more information visit the website: Partner Employment Assistance Program | ADF Members & Families | Defence


    DMFS Events during March/April

    Duntroon Community Centre: Easter Egg Hunt – Sunday 13th April 1pm -3:30pm Duntroon House Officers Mess Gardens: Events | Duntroon Community Centre | TidyHQ


    Have a lovely week.

    Lisa Bauer

    Defence Support Mentor



    Hi Parents and Families,

    This Friday 28th of March, the Snack Shack is having a bake sale! 

    There will be a maximum 2 items per person in the beginning to ensure everyone has the opportunity to purchase something. We will continue through second break or until sold out! 

    Bake Sale w6t1.jpg


    St Joseph's will be having its annual Athletics Carnival next Friday 4th of April. Lunch orders will be available on the day, but will be delivered to classes during SECOND BREAK. Please keep this in mind when ordering.


    Canteen Manager 

      Uniform Shop News

      Opening Hours Uniform Shop 2024 w2t2.png

      Congratulations to the Week 8 award recipients: 

      Foundation Red

      Holly W

      Oscar K

      Foundation White

      Cooper O

      Edith B

      1 Purple

      Ari W

      Lorcan C

      1 Teal

      Allegra R

      Eli W

      2 Magenta

      Alice G

      Griffin M

      2 Yellow

      Finlay M

      Tenzin D

      3 Black

      Emmy M

      Kenzington S

      Henry W

      3 Navy

      Blake B

      Tyler B

      Winifred W-B

      4 Gold

      Wilhelmina C

      Stella M

      Saxon M

      4 Green

      Sahana Bhasin

      Cooper D

      5 Blue

      Zara J

      Axel K

      5 Orange

      Alex B

      Droduel T

      6 Lime

      Annabelle F

      Amani N

      Emma P

      6 Silver

      Jeremy P

      Toby S



      Noak K

      Mae T


      Annabelle S

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:

      Audrey G
      Beatrice H
      Oliver W



