St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 1 Term 3 2021 Newsletter

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Week 1 Term 3 2021 Newsletter

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:1-3

Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,

Welcome back to the start of Term 3. I hope that you all had a chance to have some time together as a family and with friends over the school break. As you are all aware, there are currently COVID cases in Greater Sydney and now also in regional NSW. While there are no immediate actions being taken within the ACT, nor at the school level, we are very conscious of the situation and have this week revisited our existing COVID-safe protocols should the need arise.

Most importantly, is for all members of our wider school community to follow all ACT Health guidelines and be aware of school and Catholic Education requirements.

Goal Setting

Yesterday I spoke with all the students about setting some goals for this term. I also shared mine – I want to be able to recite the Tuesday morning prayer in Italian with the students (I think I should be much better at it than I am after 3 ½ years!). Naming a goal and even sharing it with others, gives us a chance to consider where we can focus as we begin a new term. I know that already over the past two days, I have had several children come up to me and share their goals for the term. I encourage you to speak to your child about what goals they might work towards in the coming weeks, either here at school or even at home.

Reports and Parent / Teacher Interviews

Following the introduction of a new reporting process in Semester 1, including more targeted Parent / Teacher interviews, I am keen to receive some feedback from parents about what was successful and where we can continue to focus going forward to ensure parents feel informed about their child’s progress. If you would like to provide any feedback, please email me –

P&F Meeting

Wednesday 21 July is our next P&F Meeting, being held here at the school at 7.00pm. All parents are welcome to attend the P&F meetings, to engage in planning for upcoming events, provide feedback about ways to build community, and generally be involved in the school. I look forward to seeing many at our first meeting onsite for over 12 months!

Have a great end to the week.

Yours in Christ,

Cameron Tarrant


The Feast of Saint Mary MacKillop

As we know, Mary MacKillop’s legacy has particular importance at our school, being a Josephite School and founded by the Josephite Sisters. This month, we celebrate the feast of Mary MacKillop as Australia’s first saint. Mary MacKillop’s legacy left a remarkable impact on our country. Her firm belief that no child is refused the privilege of an education due to poverty, which is what led her and the Josephite Sisters to establish schools across Australia. Mary paved the way for education of poor children and a variety of ministries which addressed the needs of 19th century Australia. Mary MacKillop was a trail-blazer in her lifetime, leaving a culture of exemplary living for her followers to emulate. Her legacy continues today in countless ways.

At St Joseph’s, we will be immersed in the charism of Saint Mary MacKillop this Term, focusing on her important words and what they mean for us now. We will begin in Week 2, focusing on the quote: “We are all in His hands”. Mary inspires us to be courageous and hopeful and to have a deep faith in our God who provides.


St Joseph’s Sacramental Program

Sacrament of the Eucharist

Thank you to all the parents who have enrolled their child in this Sacrament. We have begun the preparation lessons at school on Holy Communion. Booklets will be sent home next week for you to work through with your child to support them as they prepare to make this Sacrament.

Date of Sacrament:                Sunday 15 August

Time:                                    12:00pm

Sacrament Retreat Day:         Tuesday 10 August (for all Year 4 students) 

Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on Wednesday 28 October. Enrolment for this Sacrament is offered to students in Year 6, who have made their Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Further information regarding enrolments and preparation for this Sacrament will be provided in Term 3.

Date of Sacrament:                Thursday 28 October

Time:                                     5:30pm

Registrations:                         Opening online at the end of Term 3 on the Parish website:                       

Sacrament Retreat Day:         TBA

All enrolments and payments must be done via the St Joseph’s Parish Website (not the school Qkr! account). Workbooks will be provided to each student enrolled and are to be completed at home, with their parents.

Important Term 3 Dates:


For further information any questions regarding Religious Education and events, please feel free to contact me via email: .

Michelle Vuli

Religious Education Coordinator


Please remember to check for any overdue library books due back to the library.

Please contact me at if you think you have returned your book or if you have lost it.

Have fun reading this week.

Georgina Jaram

Teacher Librarian

Defence School Mentor News

The new Education Liaison Officer (EDLO) has been appointed and the support from Defence Community Organisation (DCO) will be well received across all Canberra and regional schools. If you woud like to know how Becky can support your family please find more information on the role of the EDLO here:

Becky’s contact details are

Sally Adams

Defence School Mentor


Hi families,

Welcome back to Term 3. We hope you had an amazing break and are ready to tackle the new term. During Rocketeers, we had so much fun taking part and engaging in a wide range of activities throughout the two week break. We became ninjas for a day, went and explored the National Portrait Gallery, as well as got to go bowling. We definitely have some very talented individuals on our hands.

This term we are so excited to share with all our families that we will be having not only one, but three different incursions happen over the course of the next 10 weeks.

Our first incursion is a LEGO construction incursion from Young Engineers. This will be happening during odd weeks on a Wednesday afternoon. Our second incursion provider is a cartooning workshop held on Thursdays. We will also be holding a sports program on Tuesdays. These two incursions will be happening on even weeks. 

We are so excited for this term and hope you are too. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on 0402353280. 

Danielle Sawell

Service Manager Camp Australia 

St Joseph's Primary School

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful and safe holidays.

Starting this Term the canteen will be open for lunch orders Tuesday-Friday and

Over the counter Wednesday-Friday.

A reminder the cut-off time for lunch orders is 8:50am


Without the support of the volunteers the canteen would not be able to function, I would love to see some new faces  if anyone if free even for a hour or two please don’t hesitate to pop in or email

Regards Katie Jenkin

Canteen Manager

Congratulations to this week's award recipients. 

Students receive their award at Friday morning assembly at 8.50am. Parents are again welcome to attend this assembly, but photos will continue to be taken each week and shared via SZapp. 

Foundation Red

Max B

Ryder W

Filipa F

Foundation White

Scarlett H

Archie A

1 Purple

Audrey B

Andy S

1 Teal

Addison F

Emery D

2 Magenta

Liam B

Chase S

2 Yellow

Vairaj B

Sebastian H

3 Black

Madison A

Yaanih N

3 Navy

Namgay T

Ted  V F

4 Gold

Imogen W

Eoin S

4 Green

Kayla N

Emilia R

5 Blue

Ben C

Dev J

5 Orange

Pritika T

Lottie W B

6 Lime

Knox P

Ashley F

6 Silver

Chelsea B

Amelia G

Happy birthday to these students celebrating their birthdays this week:


Namgay T
Nate R
Layla F
Audrey B
Yuetsho W
George H
Sebastian P
Vasili P
Amy D



See the St Joseph's Entertainment Guide link here
