St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 4 Term 2 2019 Newsletter

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Week 4 Term 2 2019 Newsletter

Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,

Athletics Carnival

We were blessed with near perfect conditions for our Athletics Carnival today, a far cry from the weather that caused us to postpone our original date. Thank you to Mr Stephens and Mrs Knight for their organisation (for the second time around) and to the parents who volunteered their time to help. As always, it was lovely that so many parents, grandparents and siblings came along to cheer on the students.

As we had to move our venue from Merici College, we were not able to run long jump today. Trials will be held at Merici College for any students aged 10 -13 years wishing to be considered for PSSA representation. More details will be provided, closer to the time.

Walk to School Day

This Friday, is our Term 2 Walk to School Day. This community event promotes the important message that active kids are healthy kids! Students wishing to participate, are asked to meet Mrs Knight at the O’Connor Shops at 8:15am. Teachers will walk to school with the children but we warmly invite any parents who would like to join us on the walk.

Lost Property

Of late, lost property has been inundated with many jumpers, lunch boxes, hats and drink bottles without names. A reminder to please label all of your child’s belongings to make returning lost property an easier task and a far cheaper option than having to replace lost items.

House Points

Our House Point reward system is well and truly up and running and I am pleased to report that all houses have reached their benchmark reward. Students will receive their benchmark rewards on Friday afternoon in Week 7.  


The safety of our students is of utmost importance. When parking, please use the allocated car spaces and use the drive through area as pick up and drop off only, keeping the pedestrian crossing clear at all times. This will ensure the safe movement of pedestrians and traffic in the school grounds.


Catherine Parmenter will be on sick leave for the next four weeks. During this time, the Seasons for Growth program has been postponed and there have been some changes to the Library timetable.

We ask that you keep Catherine in your thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks.

Reconciliation Day

This weekend we are blessed with an extra day as we celebrate Reconciliation Day. The date for the holiday was chosen because on 27 May 1967, 90% of Australia’s population voted in a referendum in favour of amending the national constitution in regard to indigenous peoples. Reconciliation Day is a time for all Canberrans to reflect on ways we can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Enjoy the time with your family!

Yours in Christ,

Amy Doszpot

Assistant Principal 

Season of Easter

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This coming Sunday is the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel (John 14:23-29) Jesus promises his disciples that the Father will send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit. Jesus prepares his disciples in advance for his absence so that they will continue to believe in him and not feel all alone after his return to the Father. After the initial excitement of his Easter appearances, Jesus remains with his followers in a very different way throughout the centuries. With our celebration of the Easter season coming to an end, the Gospel reminds us that Jesus remains with us through the Holy Spirit.

As you reflect on the Gospel of John with your family this week, talk about how, as a family, you can prepare for Pentecost (only 2 weeks away), when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, our Advocate.

Student Prayer Focus

Our Student Prayer Focus this week centres on the Gospel of John for this coming Sunday. In classes students hear the scriptures and respond to the question:

What do I wonder about the Gospel this week?

As a part of our Student Prayer Focus this week you will see that another white leaf is being  added to our trees in each class prayer space. The white leaf symbolises the season of Eastertide. On each leaf of a word or phrase is written which symbolise how each class member will work to glorify Christ with their life during the week.

How will you Glorify Christ with your life this week?

Sacramental Information

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Sacrament of First Holy Communion

It was wonderful to see many school and parish families come together last Saturday evening for the first preparation session for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. There is no session this Saturday due to the long weekend.

Please contact Father Paul if you have any questions about sacraments at:



Holy Communion Classes

(Year 4 and older)

5.15pm in the Hall followed by Mass at 6.00pm in the Church

Saturday 18 May

Saturday 1 June

Saturday 8 June

Saturday 15 June

Sacrament of First Holy Communion

Sunday 23 June 9am


Yours in Christ,

Melanie Stratford

Religious Education Coordinator 

Sustainability in Action

Foundation Red and White enjoyed a stroll in the garden, while identifying parts of plants. While exploring, both classes were quick to point out that something is eating the leaves of our cauliflower! Let the investigation begin!




“I think it’s an ant cause I saw lots of them,” says Fergus M.

“I’m thinking a caterpillar or an ant,” says Patrick M.

To be continued!

Ryan McGee

Sustainability Coordinator 


In this Centenary of the Year of Peace, our school has been invited to join in the National Peace Project at the Australian War Memorial. The Education Team from the AWM have put together an engaging afternoon for all children who may be interested in attending. Help celebrate the Centenary of Peace Day 19 July, 1919. 1pm – 4pm at the Australian War Memorial

To register your interest, please email:

AWM Peace Project Attention: Janette Dunn

Defence Kids club was fun again this week. Jenga was a big hit… as was Operation. James beat me fair and square in Battleship. Defence children can bring a friend or two along to help foster integration and support. We listened to some of my favourite songs; thankfully Bridgette, Ella, Hamish and Jimmy approved of my play list.


Sally Adams

Defence Support Mentor 

Happy birthday to these students celebrating their birthdays this week.

Toby O Olivia F
Travis M Atticus B
Aaryan B Nathan N
Finn K Vairaj B
Chloe R Thomas F
Cindy L

Congratulations to this week's award recipients. 

Foundation Red

Aria K

Olivia L

3 Silver

Adam S

Carys K

Foundation White

James S

Hamish McR

Teilo K-J

4 Blue

Tihana B

Kristian S

1 Purple

Zach B

Amelia F

4 Orange

Milli C

Juliana L

1 Teal

Maria U

Luke D

5 Gold

Tshering T

Ava J

2 Magenta

Tom H

Hayden S

5 Green

Liam O

Andie McF

2 Yellow

Asher K

Atem M

6 Black

Maia J

Ivan S

3 Lime

Antonija K

Diego L



If you are unable to volunteer your time in the canteen, but would like to contribute in some way, we always welcome donations of food items for use in the canteen.  We are currently short of the following items:

Popcorn Self Raising Flour
Olive Oil Plain Flour
Tinned Pineapple Pieces  Pasta
Coconut Milk Oats
Canned Tomatoes Brown Sugar

Michelle Welch

Canteen Manager

Don't forget!
School banking day is Thursday.
Please put your bank books in the note bag on a Thursday morning.
For more information please visit 


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