St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 9 Term 1 2022 Newsletter

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Week 9 Term 1 2022 Newsletter

    Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,

    I was a little lost for inspiration for the newsletter this week… but then went to Pope Francis and he again said it perfectly –


    Journeying is an art because if we’re always in a hurry, we get tired and don’t arrive at our journey’s goal… If we stop, we don’t go forward and we also miss the goal. Journeying is precisely the art of looking toward the horizon, thinking where I want to go but also enduring the fatigue of the journey, which is sometimes difficult. There are dark days, even days when we fail, even days when we fall… but always think of this; Don’t be afraid of failures. Don’t be afraid of falling. What matters in the art of journeying isn’t not falling down but not staying down. Get up right away and continue going forward. This is what’s beautiful; This is working every day, this is journeying as humans. But also, it’s bad walking alone; it’s bad and boring. Walking in community, with friends, with those who love us, that helps us. It helps us to arrive precisely at that goal, that ‘there’ where we’re supposed to arrive.

    Pope Francis’ Little Book of Wisdom

    As we journey together at this time, as a school community, in our families, and in the wider society, I hope that the horizon continues to meet us where we are… where we’re supposed to arrive.

    School Board

    The School Board met last week to further plans for the coming years. Pleasingly we are soon to begin the playground works at the Boronia Drive end of the oval, a major project for the Board in recent years. The addition of this nature playground is due to the great efforts of the whole school community, funded solely by the school. As part of this playground, we have added a double slide - which is a contribution from the P&F, using some of the fundraising in 2022. This includes the Nachos Days, and other activities that will be held during the year.

    I expect that the contractors will begin putting up fences in the coming weeks and will be undertaking the works over the next 6 – 8 weeks. I am looking forward to the students being able to watch it unfold, ready for the middle of Term 2. The Board also were advised of the general expenditure budget for 2022, which includes a significant investment in new ICT across the school. New staff laptops, 30 additional student iPads to go into classrooms, a new LCD screen in the Hub and upgrades to the Hall AV, are all planned for the first half of 2022.



    In recent weeks, the St Joseph’s school community has experienced a spike in confirmed cases of COVID-19. While these have been centred on a number of year groups in particular, it is worth mentioning that we continue to prioritise good hygiene and COVID-safe practices across our school to minimise the spread of germs and to keep everyone safe. I am aware that the restrictions, and the number of cases, continue to impact our school, but I am hopeful that the upcoming school break will allow for everyone in our community to rest and recover, ready for a wonderful Term 2. We wish all those impacted by COVID-19 at this time a very speedy recovery. Please see below the measures that continue to be in place at St Joseph’s.

    Have a great end to the week.
    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant


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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s


    The coming 2 weeks are filled with events that remind us of God’s great love for us.  

    Next Monday, 4 Gold will lead us in our virtual Palm Sunday Prayer Celebration. Palm Sunday, is also called Passion Sunday and marks the beginning of Holy Week which is officially during our school holidays. During Holy Week, we prepare ourselves for Easter by prayerfully reflecting on the events of Jesus’ passion and death. 

    Next Wednesday, Year 3 students will finish their preparations for the Sacrament of Reconciliation through a retreat. During the retreat the students will:

    • explore the Parable of the Prodigal Son through art and drama,
    • learn about the Act of Contrition,
    • learn about the Rosary, and
    • make their own Rosary bracelet.

    At the end of the retreat the student will have the opportunity to make their first confession in the church. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers.

    Next Thursday, 3 Navy will lead us in our virtual Holy Thursday Prayer Celebration. Holy Thursday is the commemoration of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. This year the Gospel for Holy Thursday centres on Jesus washing his disciples feet.

    Next Friday, Year 5 will lead us in a virtual Good Friday Prayer Celebration. Good Friday is the day on which Catholics commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is with this sombre commemoration that we finish our school term before we return to celebrate the joy of Easter in Term 2. I wish you all a safe and happy Easter break.

    Project Compassion

    Over the first 3 weeks of Project Compassion we have raised an outstanding total of $599.55.

    Our current Leaderboard is a very close competition. Remember to keep bringing in your donations.


    Project Compassion Leaderboard

    5 Orange


    1 Purple


    5 Blue


    4 Green


    2 Magenta


    1 Teal


    The class who raises the most money over the 6 weeks will be rewarded with a pyjama day in Term 2. 

    At school the Well-being Team we have been sharing stories of people who have received support through Project Compassion. 

    One story is from Biru from India. As a person with a disability living in remote India, Biru faced the prospect of a life of poverty and discrimination. With support through Project Compassion, he participated in entrepreneurship training and gained the skills to become financially independent. You can view his story at this link

    A Lent for Our Common Home.

    Another way of participating in Lent is through taking sustainable action. Each week during Lent we will be sharing some ideas on how you might take sustainable action at home with your family.


    Week 5 - Nature

    God created this beautiful world for us to enjoy. How can we live in a way that respects the gift of creation that God has given to us: We could:

    * Take time each day to enjoy nature - eat a meal outside, take a walk

    * Make your garden a haven for birds, bees and butterflies

    * Teach younger sibling about the importance of protecting our environment

    We pray that you will help us to each play our part in caring for your planet and everyone on it.

    Week 6 - Transport

    As we reflect on Palm Sunday, let us follow Jesus' example and walk as much as possible. This gives us time to reflect on our relationship with God and the opportunity to give thanks for the wonderful nature all around us.  we could:

    * Walk, cycle or use public transport to reduce short car journeys

    * Scoot, skate or cycle to school

    Prayer and Worship    

    Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments

    Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Week 10

    Palm Sunday- Monday 4 April Monday 9.15am

    Class: 4 Gold

    Holy Thursday Thursday 7 April 9.15am

    Class: 3 Navy

    Good Friday- Friday 8 April 9.15am

    Class: Year 5

    Sacrament Dates 2022

    As we are a growing community we are asking families to help us be as prepared as possible by enrolling in all Sacraments for 2022 now. Please use the following link to enrol in all Sacraments for 2022.


    Reconciliation Retreat Day (all Year 3 students): Wednesday 6 April - School hours

    Please note change of time to earlier communication as follows:

    Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wednesday 6 April - 1:30pm

    First Holy Communion

    Formation Evening dates still to be confirmed

    Sunday 19 June: Sacrament of First Holy Communion


    Still to be Confirmed

    Please reach out if you have any questions.

    Melanie‌ ‌Stratford‌ ‌

    Religious‌ ‌Education‌ ‌Coordinator‌ ‌‌

    Sustainability in Action

    Water Day

    In Celebration of World Water Day, Year 2 hosted a clean-up at our local wetland. A variety of objects were found, from a watch to a computer, and enough waste to fill our hopper! Thank you to Years 6, 3 and 1 for participating as well!

    Easter Foil Contest


    It is that time of year again! Foil can be recycled, so to ensure that it is done properly, the Newspaper Club is hosting an Easter Foil Competition. Foil needs to be flattened and turned into your child’s classroom teacher. The class that has the most foil (collected by Week 5, Term 2) will win the prize (TBA)!


    ‘We never know the worth of water until the well runs dry.”- Thomas Fuller

    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Calling St Joseph’s Skiers and Snowboarders

    Does your child ski or snowboard? We are gauging interest for participation in the 2022 Interschools Snowsports Championships.  If your child/children ski or snowboard then this is a great way to have fun and improve their skills while representing our fantastic school on the snow. 


    The Interschools Snowsports Championships is a series of snowsports competitions where students compete for their school as part of a team or individually. 


    The Southern NSW & ACT Interschools Snowsport Championships are to be held at Perisher between 18 and 22 July (See schedule).

    Who can participate

    St Joseph's students from Foundation to Year 6 can compete against their own age groups. 

    Skill level

    School students from all ability levels are encouraged to enter, with an emphasis on fun and participation. It is advised that all competitors are able to execute link turns and ride a chairlift/T-bar confidently prior to competing.

    Costs / Accommodation

    There are some fees for registering and racing and parents/guardians are responsible for arranging accommodation, meals & tickets for the duration of the Championship which will be held at Perisher. Perisher has guaranteed tickets will be available for purchase by participants for the event dates.

    Register Interest
    Email Christina Grant ( to ask questions or register your interest. To register a team St Joseph’s will need 3 or more students for at least 1 event type (Alpine, ski or snowboard cross/moguls or cross-country). 

    Parent Support

    Organising and supporting our participants is a team effort so parents do need to get involved. Each age group will need a parent at the start gate to support them on their race day and depending on how many student participate - we may need to volunteer for other positions as well.

    More Information

    If enough students are interested I will organise an information night / Zoom meeting to share further details. You can also find more information on the Interschools website:

    If you’d like to talk about any concerns about your child, you can contact me via email or phone 0488 468 056.

    Kind regards

    Kerry Marshall

    Student and Family Counsellor

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    Hello Parents and Carers,

    It's that time of year where the canteen holds its Bake Sale, it will be held on Thursday 7 April.  I have attached a price list below.

    I would love to thank all the new and old helpers in the canteen. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all.  New volunteers are always welcome, please don’t hesitate to email me on or pop in and say hi.


    Katie Jenkin

    Canteen Manager

    Stacey Palmer
    Uniform Shop Coordinator

    Congratulations to the Week 9 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    William A

    Aurora B

    Foundation White

    Elsie C

    Asher F

    1 Purple

    Eden N

    Zachary T

    1 Teal

    Oliver W

    Archie M

    2 Magenta

    Claire A

    Azrielle T

    2 Yellow

    Isla C

    Indie M

    3 Black

    Amani N

    Arlie B

    3 Navy

    Jeremy P

    Emma P

    4 Gold

    Marcos D C

    Lara S

    4 Green

    Sophia A

    Maddison E

    5 Blue

    Emilia R

    Olivia O

    5 Orange

    Ashley F

    Kayla N

    6 Lime

    Jacob H

    Pritika T

    6 Silver

    Lottie W B

    Alyssa S


    Yuetsho W

    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


    Hudson W
    Dexta W
    Sebastian H
    Annabelle F
    Harry F
    Ishana M
    Nirvana G
    Maria P
    Alexander B
    Tresa S
    Edward V F
    Charles P