St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 3 Term 2 2022 Newsletter

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Week 3 Term 2 2022 Newsletter
    Dear Parents and Carers,

    A Mother’s Love

    There are times when only a mother’s love
    Can understand our tears,
    Can soothe our disappoints
    And calm all of our fears.
    There are times when only a mother’s love
    Can share the joy we feel
    When something we’ve dreamed about
    Quite suddenly is real.
    There are times when only a mother’s faith
    Can help us on life’s way
    And inspire in us the confidence
    We need from day to day.
    For a mother’s heart and a mother’s faith
    And a mother’s steadfast love
    Were fashioned by the angels
    And sent from God above.
    – Author Unknown

    Mother’s Day Breakfast 

    It was such a treat to be able to gather as a school community on Friday morning for our Mother’s Day Breakfast. It is certainly a highlight of the school calendar and a wonderful opportunity to recognise all the wonderful women in our St Joseph’s community. We had an enormous turn out with just over 300 people, our biggest breakfast ever! A big thank you to all the staff who came to school at ‘early o’clock’ to help get the breakfast up and running.

    Strategic Planning Evening

    The strategic planning session tomorrow night has been postponed - there were very few able to attend this week. Instead, we have moved the session to next Wednesday 18 May from 6.00pm. If you are unable to make this time, there will also be a breakfast meeting on Friday 20 May from 7.30am.

    The sessions will now be facilitated by our very own School Board Chair, Dr Bec Jackson. Bec is a psychologist who has worked across several domains and has over 20 years’ experience as a Leadership and Development Coach.

    Please RSVP -


    Social and Emotional Learning  

    This term I have returned to the classrooms to continue working with the students on their Social and Emotional Learning. I am using the Kindness Curriculum which focuses on the development of core attributes that underpin kindness, namely: Collaboration, Compassion, Empathy, Gratitude, Honesty, Humility, Humour, Mindfulness, Perspective, Positivity, Self-Acceptance and Trust.  

    The focus of my lessons this week has been on Positivity. In Foundation to Year 3 we have been learning that positivity means thinking in an optimistic way and that positivity creates a ripple effect to those around us. With the older students, I have been talking about how a positive attitude can be cultivated through positive self-talk, a skill that students, sadly, often find difficult to do.

    I am setting the challenge for positivity to spread throughout the school by being a ‘glass half full’ thinker and sharing positive statements in the classroom and on the playground.  


    Student Absences

    A reminder that student absences need to be logged via the Compass Parent Portal. Reminder emails were sent on Monday for unexplained absences. Thank you to the many parents who have already actioned these emails. If you are unsure of how to enter your child’s absence, you can access instructions here. If you have any questions or require support with any aspect of Compass, please do not hesitate to contact me.  

    Afternoon Pick up

    To ensure that our afternoon carline runs smoothly and safely we ask that the following measures are followed:

    • There is no right turn into the school driveway from 2:45pm onwards
    • Parents are to remain in cars at all times. If your child needs assistance in getting into the car, a member of staff will assist.
    • The pedestrian crossing is used when crossing the carpark
    • Family name cards are displayed on the front dashboard. For new families, these were sent home today. If you require a new card, please let me know.

    Active Streets Program

    Our school is participating in the Active Streets for Schools program. Active Streets delivers infrastructure improvements around schools to make it safer and easier to ride, walk, scooter or skate to and from school. To support students who may be beginning to travel independently, we have distributed an Active Streets resource pack to students in Years 4-6. The pack includes a map highlighting routes to our school. Parents are encouraged to talk to their children about how they can use these resources to support walking or riding to school. Starting small is often a good approach, so try using part way points a short distance from the school and accompany students to teach them safe habits. The Active Streets program helps children to develop independence, while providing health and safety benefits for the school community, with increased physical activity and fewer cars on the road. 

    Global School Partners

    For many years, St Joseph's Primary School has had an association with the Riamabana Academy in Kenya. The school has raised funds to go towards much needed resourcing and building projects to improve the schooling expereiences of the students who attend Riamabana Academy. The last two years have been difficult, but it nice to hear that they too are back at school for 2022.

    Have a great end to the week.
    Yours in Christ,

    Amy Doszpot 

    Assistant Principal

    Read Less

    Religious Life of St Joseph’s


    Happy Easter! Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic Church because it is the completion of Holy Week. Although Easter Sunday and the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ might feel like it was a long time ago now, we are still in the Season of Eastertide. Eastertide is a season of grace, time of joy and thanksgiving which is a 50-day celebration that continues until Pentecost Sunday in early June.

    Our focus scripture for this year centres on Jesus calling his first disciples. The Gospel from the second Sunday of Easter makes some significant parallels with our focus Gospel and occurs after Jesus’ resurrection. In both Gospels, Simon Peter and the sons of Zebedee are fishing and their efforts have been fruitless. After a night of hardwork and catching nothing, Jesus comes along and directs them to let down their nets for a catch. They faithfully follow his direction even though they are tired and disappointed and when they do they catch so many fish they are unable to contain their haul. How often have we been working tirelessly only to be disappointed with the fruit we produce?  This Gospel reading is a rich and textured story that speaks of Jesus' presence in the Eucharist and our commission to serve others as Jesus did. This Eastertide I encourage you to invite Jesus into your life and be open to the fruit he desires to produce in your life.

    First Holy Communion

    Tomorrow evening we commence our First Holy Communion parent and child formation sessions. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers as they take this significant step in their faith formation.

    Henry Emily Marvin
    Sophia Connor Sophia
    Tinara Ryan Anna
    Mary Patrick Lara
    Maddison Alexander Emanuel
    Luke Aaron Taj
    Julian Evie Edward
    Luerice Bonnie Isaac
    Astrid Angela Felix

    Project Compassion 


    We raised an outstanding total of $1296.15. These funds raised are enough to provide education assistance for secondary school students in Mozambique.

    Congratulations to 5 Orange for raising the most money from all the classes. They have won a pyjama day for their efforts.

    Prayer and Worship    

    Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments

    Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Prayer Celebrations

    Week 5

    Sorry Day- Thursday 26 May 2.15pm

    Class: 2 Yellow

    Class Masses

    Week 3- Thursday 9.15am Year 4

    Week 4- Tuesday 9.15am Year: 2

                 - Thursday 9.15am Year: 4

    Week 5- Tuesday 9.15am Year: 1

    Sacrament Dates 2022

    As we are a growing community we are asking families to help us be as prepared as possible by enrolling in all Sacraments for 2022 now. Please use the following link to enrol in all Sacraments for 2022.

    First Holy Communion for students in Year 4 and older

    Parent and Child Formation Session 1: Thursday 12 May 5.30-6.30pm

    Parent and Child Formation Session 2: Thursday 19 May 5.30-6.30pm

    Sacrament Retreat: Friday 17 June school hours

    Sacrament Mass: Sunday 19 June 12.00pm


    Confirmation for students in Year 6

    Parent and Child Formation Sessions TBC

    Sacrament Retreat: Wednesday 14 September school hours

    Sacrament Mass: Wednesday 14 September Time TBC



    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

    Read Less

    Sustainability in Action


    Food For Thought!


    This Term, students from ELC to Year 6 will be investigating all things food. We will explore where our food comes from, farming practices, food transport, healthy eating, the cost of palm oil, and most importantly, FOOD WASTE.

    Did you know that The Australian Government has committed to halving food waste in Australia by 2030? Luckily for us, we benefit from the resources provided by this initiative through cooking lessons supported by OzHarvest. These OzFeast lessons are a 7 week program provided for our Year 5 and 6 students.

    Each fortnight, I will ask our community to engage in a challenge that aims to eliminate food waste and bring awareness to our homes about our food habits. For weeks 2-3, your family is encouraged to discuss where our food comes from, at the dinner table. This may look like “How do carrots grow?” Or, “Where does beef come from?” Encourage your children to think critically about the origins of food, as well as how it got to their plate.

    “Food may be essential for the body, but good food is fuel for the soul.”-Malcom Forbes


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Sports News

    Cross Country Carnival - Friday 13th May

    Our Cross Country Carnival is coming up this week on Friday 13 May. Permission notes have been sent out via Compass. The carnival will take place at O’Connor Oval (across the road from the school on Macarthur Avenue) from 11.45am-1.30pm. Students are to wear their sports uniform and can wear a coloured T-shirt of their house colour. Please see below for approximate timings for the day. Parent spectators are welcome to attend.

    In the case of wet weather, the carnival will be postponed until early next week. 


    Order of Events







    11+12 years



    10 years



    9 years



    7/8 years



    5/6 years

    (Foundation and Year 1 to run separately)




    Walk Safely To School Day - Friday 20 May

    We encourage you to meet at O’Connor Shops on Friday of Week 5,


    before school at 8.15am, to walk to school together as a group for National Walk Safely To School Day. We had a great turn out at the event last year and would love to see more students and parents join us.

    Now in its 23rd year, National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual event when all Primary School children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment.

    The aims of the event are:

    • To encourage parents and carers to walk to school with primary school age children
    • To promote the health benefits of walking and create regular walking habits
    • To help children develop vital road crossing skills and ensure children up to the age of 10 years hold an adult's hand when crossing the road
    • To reduce car dependency and traffic congestion
    • To reduce the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles
    • To promote the use of public transport

    Koby Allan



    Welcome back to Term 2 in the Library. We are finally holding all our library lessons in the Hub and students are allowed to borrow books to take home. Each student should be bringing in a designated library bag to class to be able to borrow. Below is an outline of our borrowing schedule.




    Maximum borrowing amount




    Year 1



    Year 2 Magenta

    Year 2 Yellow





    Year 3



    Year 4 Gold

    Year 4 Green





    Year 5 Orange

    Year 5 Blue





    Year 6




    Book Club last orders are due on 16 May 2022 ( Monday  Week 4)


    Please remember that we do not take cash payments and all payments go through the website.

    Details are located on the back of the magazine.

    Georgina Jaram 

    If you’d like to talk about any concerns about your child, you can contact me via email or phone 0488 468 056.

    Kind regards

    Kerry Marshall

    Student and Family Counsellor

    Read Less


    It's a fete year and we are having our inaugural fete committee meeting on Tuesday 17 May 7.30pm @ Howling Moon (indoor rooftop) at Rex in Braddon.

    Please feel free to just come along to share your ideas and to be involved!


    Hello Parents and Carers,

    The canteen has reopened for lunch orders this week!

    New volunteers are always welcome, please don’t hesitate to email me on or pop in and say hi.


    Katie Jenkin

    Canteen Manager

    Congratulations to the Week 3 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    Thomas S

    Henry W

    Foundation White

    Hugo M

    Harry O

    1 Purple

    Cooper D

    Poppy Z

    1 Teal

    Sahana B

    Sophie P

    2 Magenta

    Eloise M

    Beatrice J

    2 Yellow

    Rinisha G

    Ivy S

    3 Black

    Sophie D

    Sophia M

    3 Navy

    Harry F

    Marial W

    Delphi U

    4 Gold

    Madison A

    Makur W

    4 Green

    Mary C

    Jem T

    5 Blue

    Nirvana G

    Josie M

    5 Orange

    Molly M

    Kayla N

    6 Lime

    Max M

    Dev J

    6 Silver

    Ben C

    Zoe G


    Oliver L

    Beau W

    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


    Clementine S
    Humphrey G
    Georgina G
    Kathy A