St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 5 Term 2 2022 Newsletter

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Week 5 Term 2 2022 Newsletter
    Dear parents and carers and the St Joseph’s community,


    Last Saturday I had the privilege of joining with the St Joseph’s parish for the Crowning of the statue of the Lady of Fatima here at the church. It was an incredibly important and special occasion for our parish, with the crowning service shared by Fr Paul, Fr Wally Kalanecki, the Ukrainian Catholic Priest, Fr Youhanna Ena, a Syriac Catholic priest, and Fr Michael Solomko, the Ukrainian Orthodox priest.

    Prayers on the day focused on peace in our world and an end to the war in Ukraine. During the crowning, a prayer of consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart was recited by all priests present, as called for by Pope Francis in March 2022. 

    We continue to pray for all in our own St Jsoeph's community, and those impacted by the ongoing war and displacement in Ukraine. 

    Welcome Back!

    For some time now, we have unofficially welcomed parents back onto the school grounds for school drop offs and also at the end of the day. 

    I would now officially like to invite parents to feel free to walk their child into the courtyard of a morning, or to park and collect their child of an afternoon. Please note that we are still limiting parents spending time inside the school, but you are welcome to come in when there is a specific need. 

    For afternoon pick up, we have a very effective carline process in place with the students lining up on the basketball courts, and this will continue. If you wish to park and wait for your child at the end of the day, please wait at the side of the school near the ELC. Parents are welcome to use this as a time to catch up with other parents.

    Finally, we once again would love to see parents joining our morning gatherings at 8.50am, either during the week or on a Friday when Merit Awards are handed out. 


    Over recent weeks we have welcomed many families into the school for tours as they prepare to enrol for 2023. Our school is widely seen as a school of choice and I am very proud of the reputation that we enjoy. Thank you to all of our wider school community for celebrating the successes and strengths of St Joseph’s.

    If you are still to enrol your child into Foundation for 2023, or considering enrolling into other years, the official enrolment period ends this Friday. Please ensure you secure your place for 2023!


    It is also a time for our Year 6 families to make decisions for the coming year. Year 6 families, please ensure you have submitted an enrolment for your high school of choice – there is no automatic enrolment process. If your child is in another year, and you are considering a change in 2023, please inform the school as soon as possible. I am always happy to discuss any options you may be considering. 

    Friday 27 May

    This Friday 27 May is a pupil free day. This has been communicated for some time now. Camp Australia are running a Vacation Care Day, if needed. You will need to register your child -

    Friday 27 May is also a full day of protected industrial action in the form of a work stoppage. The impact of this industrial action is mitigated due to the pupil free day, but I recognise the importance of this process in supporting our wonderful staff in the pursuit of a new enterprise agreement.

    St Joseph's Fete

    It is on! Save the date!

    Sunday 6 November

    The next committee meeting is on Tuesday 31 May at 7.30pm at Howling Moon.


    P&F Meeting

    The next P&F Meeting is next Wednesday 1 June. The meeting is open to all parents and will be held at school starting at 7.00pm. There is also the option to join the meeting online – P&F Meeting Link

    Tell Them From Me Survey


    Over the next three weeks we are inviting students (Yr 4- 6), teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.

    We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Joseph’s Primary School.

    The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant


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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s

    Religious Identity and Culture

    Strategic Planning

    Over the past three years the mission element of our strategic plan has focused on our purpose to deepen our St Joseph’s Catholic identity. All our actions as a Catholic community contribute to the religious identity and culture of our school. Over the past three years we have strived to embed our Josephite charism so that we are living the St Joseph’s vision and mission. We see living our vision and mission in action through our school values.


    Our Vision Statement, 'Growing in excellence within a Christ-centred community,’ affirms that Jesus is at the heart of our community and confirms that living in community helps people reach their full potential. Our Mission Statement, ‘All for God’s glory’, reminds us to honour God in all that we do, think and say, just as Mary MacKillop did.

    Junior Joeys Social Action Group


    This year we have broadened our faith in action through establishing a ‘Junior Joeys’ group which meets every second Friday afternoon. Junior Joeys support children to know and live the Josephite Story, Spirit and Charism. This group provides an opportunity to foster a sense of belonging that supports and empowers the children to follow in the footsteps of Mary MacKillop and respond to the needs of our time. Our current focus is the Catholic Social teaching of Preferential Option for the Poor. Our focus question is: Who needs extra help in our community?

    Evangelisation and Faith Formation

    Evangelisation and faith formation are focused in an explicit way on the call to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, to respond to it in daily life and to deepen personal understanding and faith. The Sacraments are signs of God’s grace and love. Celebrating the Sacraments deepens our personal understanding and faith. In our community we have children who are preparing for their First Holy Communion. Please keep these children in your prayers.

    Henry Ryan Emanuel
    Sophia Patrick Taj
    Tinara Alexander Edward
    Mary Aaron Isaac
    Maddison Evie Astrid
    Luke Bonnie Felix
    Julian Marvin Angela
    Luerice Sophia Matty
    Emily Anna
    Connor Lara

    Prayer and Worship

    Prayer and worship is integral to the life of all Catholic schools and has the potential to nourish the spiritual growth of all members of the school community.

    Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Prayer Celebrations

    Week 5

    Sorry Day- Thursday 26 May 2:15pm

    Class: 2 Yellow

    Class Masses

    Week 5- Thursday 9:15am - Year 4

    Week 6- Tuesday 9:15am - Year 6

                  Thursday 9:15am - Year 4

    Week 7- Tuesday 9:15am - Foundation

                  Thursday 9:15am - Year 4

    Sacrament Dates 2022

    As we are a growing community we are asking families to help us be as prepared as possible by enrolling in all Sacraments for 2022 now. Please use the following link to enrol in all Sacraments for 2022.

    First Holy Communion for students in Year 4 and older

    Sacrament Retreat: Friday 17 June - school hours

    Sacrament Mass: Sunday 19 June - 12:00pm


    Confirmation for students in Year 6

    Parent and Child Formation Sessions TBC

    Sacrament Retreat: Wednesday 14 September - school hours

    Sacrament Mass: Wednesday 14 September - Time TBC


    Social Action and Justice

    St Joseph’s works to build the dispositions of empathy and solidarity in our students through programs for service- learning, social justice and outreach experiences.


    Last term, during Lent, our social action and justice centred on Project Compassion. We raised an outstanding total of $1296.15. Congratulations to 5 Orange on raising the highest total for Project Compassion. They will celebrate their win with a pyjama day next Thursday.

    This term our social action and justice is centred on the Vinnies Winter Appeal. You can contribute by donating clean:

    • Gloves
    • Socks
    • Jackets
    • Beanies
    • Blankets
    • Sleeping Bags 

    These donations go directly to people in need in our community. Send your donations in with your child to be placed in the baskets located in the Courtyard or drop larger items to the front office.

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action

    Speaking of eliminating waste- this year’s Easter Foil Contest, sponsored by the Carpenter Chronicle, was our most productive yet! 1 Teal won the prize, closely followed by 4 Gold. Collected foil has been made into balls the size of a fist, as that is the way to properly place them into a recycling collection.


    “Food is our common ground; a universal experience.”-James Beard


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator



    All our library lessons are now in the Hub and students are allowed to borrow books to take home. Each student should be bringing in a designated library bag to class to be able to borrow. Below is an outline of our borrowing schedule.




    Maximum borrowing amount




    Year 1



    Year 2 Magenta

    Year 2 Yellow





    Year 3



    Year 4 Gold

    Year 4 Green





    Year 5 Orange

    Year 5 Blue





    Year 6




    Georgina Jaram 

    How to be a good friend

    We all want our children to be able to connect with each other and form healthy friendships. But what happens when those friendship’s start to have problems? It can be hard for children to understand why their friends aren’t talking to them or playing the same games they used to, sometimes it is a matter of time and space and sometimes it can be the start of other friendship or peer issues.

    For some children, particularly those who are starting to experience problems or those who have questions about their friendships, it can be helpful for parents to be able to have a conversation about what a good friend is and how children can be good friends to one another. These can provide a basis of understanding for children, to help them to problem solve any potential issues within a friendship. Here are some suggestions for friendship rules to help start conversations between parents and children:

    • Friends are kind to each other.
    • Friends don’t talk about others behind their backs.
    • Friends let their friends be friends with other people.
    • When friends are upset with someone, they ask for space until they’re ready to talk calmly.
    • If friends think someone is mad at them, they ASK what’s going on.
    • Friends use “I” messages to talk about a problem.
    • Friends listen to what other people have to say without arguing or interrupting.
    • Friends take responsibility for their own behaviour

    If your child is talking about friendship issues that don’t seem to be going away, or you are worried about issues such as bullying, contact your child’s teachers, the school Principal or the school counsellor at

    If you’d like to talk about any concerns about your child, you can contact me via email or phone 0488 468 056.

    Kind regards

    Kerry Marshall

    Student and Family Counsellor

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    Hello Parents and Carers,

    New volunteers are always welcome, please don’t hesitate to email me on or pop in and say hi.


    Katie Jenkin

    Canteen Manager

    St Joseph's Fete

    It is on! Save the date!

    Sunday 6 November

    The next committee meeting is on Tuesday 31 May at 7.30pm at Howling Moon.

    P&F Meeting

    The next P&F Meeting is next Wednesday 1 June. The meeting is open to all parents and will be held at school starting at 7.00pm. There is also the option to join the meeting online – P&F Meeting Link

    Congratulations to the Week 5 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    Christina T

    Emmy McG

    Foundation White

    Harriet P

    Winnie W-B

    1 Purple

    Cooper D

    Humphrey G

    1 Teal

    Ewan S

    Ryder W

    2 Magenta

    Gwen V F

    Ivy E

    2 Yellow

    Sam N

    Alex B

    3 Black

    Chase S

    Arlie B

    3 Navy

    Liam B

    Sophia T

    4 Gold

    Reuben H

    Keone S

    4 Green

    Maddison D

    Bridie F

    5 Blue

    Maeve M

    Esmee V F

    5 Orange

    Asher K

    Lachlan S

    6 Lime

    Daniel A

    Yuetsho W

    6 Silver

    Joseph E

    Alyssa S


    Mia B

    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


    Nathan N
    Vairaj B
    Enoch A