St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 5 Term 3 2022 Newsletter

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Week 5 Term 3 2022 Newsletter

    Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou amongst women
    and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary, Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners now
    and at the hour of our death.


    Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,

    On Monday 15 August, we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. This important day in the life of the church recognises when Mary ascended bodily into heaven. Mary is seen as the perfect example of service and within our faith, is held as the mother to us all. As we continue throughout the term, we pray to Mary to watch over us all.

    Family Support

    Over recent weeks, it has been clear just what a remarkable community we have at St Joseph’s, particularly in times of need. I have been heartened by the offers of support and care for the McDougall family and know that this has been very much appreciated. Please continue to keep the McDougall family in your thoughts and prayers, particularly on Friday as they farewell Anthony.

    If for any reason someone in our community needs some support, please always reach out to the school. The Food Bank and other supports are always available, just so we can look after each other.

    Proposed change to the St Joseph’s sport shirt

    Thank you to those who have taken the opportunity to respond to the proposed change to the sport shirt – there have been 70 responses so far!  The designs have been narrowed down over recent weeks following initial investigation by our Uniform Shop Coordinator, consultation with myself and the school Leadership Team, and then the P&F and School Board.


    If you haven’t already, you are invited to view the designs, vote and / or make comment using the link below. Voting and comments will close Friday 19 August.


    Voting link - (There are larger images on the voting form)

    Early Learning Centre

    Thank you to the St Joseph’s P&F for their generous support of the ELC. Their contribution of $2000 has been well spent on some new outdoor play resources. The new building blocks are very popular!

    The ELC are currently accepting enrolments for the remainder of 2022 and for 2023.  If you know any families that may like to join our St Joseph Community, please let them know we are enrolling now. We are enrolling children that have already turned 3 for the remainder of 2022 as well as 3 and 4 year old’s for 2023. Please contact the Director, Molly Henson for more information.



    Unfortunately, we were unable to hold our Athletics Carnival earlier in the year due to COVID restrictions. At the same time, School Sport ACT (SSACT) indicated the Regional and ACT Carnivals would likely not go ahead.

    However, late last term we were advised by SSACT that the Regional and ACT carnivals would in fact go ahead and we planned to hold our Athletics Carnival last Friday 12 August. Unfortunately, Catholic Education adjusted their COVID guidelines for Term 3, restricting all ‘out of school’ activities, so the carnival was cancelled.

    As we have not been able to hold our school carnival, this has meant no further representation through the SSACT program has been possible. However, I am now aware that we can submit times / distances for consideration for inclusion in the North Gungahlin team that will compete at the ACT Championships in September. Please contact me if you would like any further information regarding this nomination process.

    Save the Date

    Father's Day is on Sunday 4 September. To celebrate, we will again host a breakfast commencing at 8am Friday 2 September. Please save this date - more information to come next week. 

    Survey Summary

    Last term the Tell Them  From Me school satisfaction survey was conducted to garner feedback from students, parents, and staff. This feedback is valued and does provide direction as future plans are developed. Below is a brief summary of feedback received this year.


    • Overall, the students feel satisfied with their school and safe when at school.
    • They believe they are well known and have a positive sense of belonging.
    • Students are interested and motivated.
    • Students feel they have someone at home or in the school community who provides support and encouragement.
    • Students value the education at St Joseph’s, seeing purpose in what they are doing.
    • General comments focus on the offerings of access to sport sessions (many responses wanting more sport), the improvement of facilities (oval, fence, provision of sport equipment, toilets).
    • Many students note the importance of friends at school and feel that at St Joseph’s they have friends and are supported and cared for.
    • Students feel challenged and accepted by teachers, and they enjoy their learning. Many speak positively about their individual teachers.


    • Overall, there has been a continued valuing of the school and the processes and practices in place.
    • Parents want greater communication of student progress and achievement, with more contact with teachers.
    • Parents feel they are welcome and valued within the school.
    • Parents believe that the school supports their child’s learning, but there is a want for higher expectations.
    • Generally, the parents feel their child is safe at school, and included as part of the school.
    • The prevalence of bullying has been less reported by parents this year, compared to 2021.
    • Parents believe the school fosters a strong Catholic culture, but some question how the Religious Education curriculum is made relevant to their child.
    • General comments focus on the quality of the teachers at the school and the belief their child is known and cared for at St Joseph’s.
    • Parents note an improved After School Care program.


    • Staff indicate in general, greater collaboration and support from peers and leadership.
    • Collaboration across peer and leadership realms has improved, with staff indicating they receive feedback that improves their teaching.
    • Staff believe that there is a strong learning culture within the school and that data is used to inform teaching.
    • Teachers have indicated that they provide feedback to students on their learning, which improves student outcomes.
    • Staff see St Joseph’s as an inclusive school, for students and staff.
    • Teachers identify that they can engage parents in the assessment process and seek feedback on student achievement.
    • Staff see St Joseph’s as authentically Catholic, with value placed on the identity and culture created across the school.
    • General comments are constructive and forward focused, providing ideas that may continue to grow the success of the school.
    • There is a want to more carefully manage the extend and speed of educational and school-based change.
    Yours in Christ,
    Cameron Tarrant
    Read Less

    Prayer and Worship

    The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 15 August

    On Monday we gathered as a whole school in the church for the first time this year for The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

    The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrates Mary's Assumption into heaven. It is one of the Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics. The assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven has long been held as an important Catholic belief. The belief was not defined as dogma, however, until 1950 by Pope Pius XII. The dogma teaches that Mary, who was without sin, was taken, body and soul, into the glory of heaven.

    The Gospel for this holy day recalls Mary's actions after the announcement of Jesus' birth by the Angel Gabriel. Mary goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth who is also with child. Elizabeth greets Mary with full recognition of the roles they and their unborn children will play in God's plan for salvation. Mary responds to Elizabeth's greeting with her song of praise, the Magnificat. Both women recall and echo God's history of showing favour upon the people of Israel. Mary's Magnificat, in particular, echoes the song of praise offered by Hannah, the mother of Samuel.

    The Gospel for this day reminds us that Mary's Assumption into heaven is best understood with regard for the full spectrum of Catholic beliefs about the person of Christ and the person of Mary. Only Mary, who was born without stain of original sin—the Immaculate Conception—could give birth to Christ, who is fully God and fully human. This is called the Immaculate Conception. Because of Mary's role in God's plan of salvation, she does not suffer from the effects of sin, which are death and decay. Mary is the first to receive the fullREWk3T3Image1.pngness of the redemption that her son has won for all of humanity. The Church, therefore, recognizes Mary as the sign of the salvation promised to all.

    The Gospel highlights Mary's faith. Mary's faith enabled her to recognise the work of God in her people's history and in her own life. Her openness to God allowed God to work through her so that salvation might come to all. Mary is a model and symbol of the Church. May we be like Mary, open and cooperative in God's plan of salvation.


    Sacrament of Confirmation


    Students in Year 6 can now be enrolled in the Sacrament of Confirmation at the link below. Please add the Sacrament of Confirmation and preparation session dates and times to your calendars.

    Please enrol at

    Please contact Father Paul  if you have any questions about the Sacrament of Confirmation at: 

    Confirmation Parent and Child Formation (Year 6)

    5:30pm-6:30pm in the Parish Centre

    Thursday 25 August

    Thursday 8 September

    Sacrament of Confirmation Retreat Day Wednesday 14 September school hours
    Sacrament of Confirmation Wednesday 14 September @ 6:30pm

    Yours in Christ,

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator 

    Sustainability in Action

    Did you know that most glass can be recycled infinitely? This week we are thinking critically about its many uses as we celebrate Science Week. All students will enjoy baking cookies that have a ‘glass’ centre, using our knowledge of measurement and where food comes from. Yummo!

    “May your GLASS always be half full”-Anonymous


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Teacher 


    Book Fair

    The Book fair is off to a flying start, thank you to all those parents that have already purchased books. The book fair will be open this week and next week for purchases, closing on Friday 26th.  All purchases are to be made online at . There is a chance to bring small gold coins to buy rubbers, pens and  posters (up to $10) but this can be included in your book purchases online as well. I will allow students to buy these items on Thursday and Fridays both weeks.

    Week 6

    Dress Up parade.

    Next week will be Book Week and to celebrate, students are asked to dress up as a character from a book  on Thursday 25 August. Please use what costumes and accessories you have at home to create your character. 

    Pictures of the day will be shared with you via Compass.


    Georgina Jaram 

    School Librarian 

    Defence School Mentor News

    Please see flyers below outlining Term 3 activities at the Duntroon Community Centre.


    Emily McFarland

    Defence School Mentor


    Father’s Day Raffle

    Dear Parents and Guardians,

    The St Joseph’s Early Learning Centre (ELC) Parent Committee is running a fundraiser Father’s Day Raffle.

    The raffle is a major fund-raising event for the ELC. The ELC is a not-for-profit organisation and funds raised from the raffle will be used to purchase essential educational resources and equipment.

    Some amazing prizes are up for grabs. Tickets are $2 each. Tickets will be sent home tomorrow to each family and we are asking families to please help with ticket sales. Additional tickets can be purchased from the ELC office.

    Please return ticket stubs to the ELC or school reception by Wednesday 31 August 2022. The raffle will be drawn on Friday 2 September at the Father’s Day prayer service.

    We thank you for your help and look forward to a successful raffle.


    Yours sincerely,

    ELC Parent Committee

    If you’d like to talk about any concerns about your child, you can contact me via email  at or phone 0488 468 056.

    Kind regards

    Kerry Marshall

    Student and Family Counsellor

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    Hello Parents and Carers,

    New volunteers are always welcome, please don’t hesitate to email me on or pop in and say hi.


    Katie Jenkin

    Canteen Manager

    A big thank you to all our families who took advantage of the Kid Free Night! We were pleased to reach our target and raise $2062. Best of all this means we get to witness Mr Tarrant be the first to use the new nature playground slide and land in a pool of slime! The P&F would like to thank Caroline Odgers, Mr Tarrant and Dani and for their supervision and helping make the night such fun. Thank you also to our Year 6s who were a great help on the night!

    Last Friday the raffle was drawn and we congratulate Nathanial M, Charlie P and Lottie W-B as winners of the Golden Tickets. These students will be provided with vouchers to enjoy some free food, drinks and side-show alley games at the upcoming St Joseph’s Food Fair & Fete on Sunday 6 November. 

    Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraising event.

    Fete News

    Plans contnue to come together for the St Joseph's Food Fair & Fete on Sunday 6 November. Please consider how you can get involved to make it a huge success!


    Congratulations to the Week 5 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    Amelia B

    Aurora B

    Foundation White

    Brooke H

    Blake B

    1 Purple

    Zachary T

    Yvonne G

    1 Teal

    Ryder W

    Laura P

    2 Magenta

    Addison F

    Charlie G

    2 Yellow

    Amelia S

    Rishaan M

    3 Black

    Sebastian H

    Karma L

    3 Navy

    Kendryck M

    Sophia T

    4 Gold

    Sophia R

    Zach B

    4 Green

    Mia B

    Oliver L

    5 Blue

    Nirvana G

    Olivia O

    5 Orange

    Kayla N

    Eoin S 

    6 Lime

    Odette S

    Kinley T

    6 Silver

    Ben C

    Nate R


    Ryder McD

    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


    Miriam S
    Patrick M
    Claire A


    Tennis Canberra invites new players to trial a FREE Junior Group Training Session before the upcoming Spring Coaching Season at a North Canberra tennis venue - Turner Tennis Club & Majura Tennis Club (Dickson).

    Trial Weeks - Before Upcoming Spring Season (starting August 22nd)

    • August 1-6th, 8-12th & 15-20th 

    Venues & Days

    • Turner TennisClub - Tuesday & Wednesday
    • Majura TennisClub (Dickson): Monday, Thursday & Saturday

    Wish to attend a trial?  Email with Contact Name, Player Name, Age, Experience (if any), plus preferred trial day and our team will get back to you with some options.

