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Week 1 Term 4 2022 Newsletter

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Week 1 Term 4 2022 Newsletter
    Picture1.jpgDear parents, carers and the St Joseph’s community,

    October is the Month of the Rosary. As Fr Paul wrote about in the Bulletin on Sunday, the importance of prayer, and in particular the Rosary, is simple in nature but offers a great deal –

    “The Rosary is my favourite prayer. A marvellous prayer! Marvellous in its simplicity and its depth.” St John Paul II.

    “There is no surer means of calling down God’s blessings upon the family… than the daily recitation of the Rosary.” Pope Pius XII.

    During the month of October, I encourage us all to take an opportunity to pause in prayer, and ask our Blessed Mother Mary, to watch over us as we work and learn together here at school and in our daily lives.

    Welcome back to the start of Term 4. It has been wonderful to have the students return this week and to settle into school for what will be a very busy but exciting term. A reminder that the school calendar has been updated on Compass and the school website, and I encourage all parents to take some time to look ahead to plan for the many events coming up. Some important points to note –

    • COVID Update – Pleasingly all restrictions have now been eased within school and the wider community. While there is no longer any requirement to inform the school of positive cases within your household, or a required period of isolation, it is still important that students remain at home when they are unwell.
    • Parents and Visitors – With no restrictions in place, it will be wonderful to once again welcome all parents and visitors back into the school for our community gatherings and for any other opportunities to visit the school. There will be lots on this term to ensure we get back to being our great school community!
    • Boorowa Carnival – Unfortunately for the third year in a row, the Boorowa Netball and Touch Football Carnival has been cancelled. The continual wet weather in recent months has meant the ovals could not be prepared to ensure safety on the day. Thank you to Koby Allan and other staff who had been organising our teams for the day, and to the students and parents who were looking forward to a great day. Maybe next year!
    • Family Photos – The family (sibling) photos are now available for sale at the Front Office for $15. All sibling photos were taken on the day and are available for purchase, if you wish. These sales are returned back to the school as a contribution to fundraising.
    • Nature Playground Opening and P&F BBQ – I am looking forward (sort of…) to seeing many of you at the Official Opening of the Nature Playground and the P&F BBQ on Friday. As part of the opening celebrations, I am told that I am heading down the slide into a pool of slime!

    Floriade Extravaganza

    On Tuesday this week, our St Joseph’s Choir and Bucket Drumming Squad headed out onto Stage 88 at Floriade to entertain the assembled crowd. What a wonderful opportunity to showcase the students and our school! Congratulations to all those students involved and who gave up their break times to rehearse and prepare for the big day. A huge thank you to Tiffany Fletcher and Jake Kucher for supporting the students. I know that a number of members of the community came up to me and to others there on the day, to comment on how well the students performed and how proud we should be of our school. Well done!

    Sports Days Term 4

    Throughout the year there are often sport clinics that run at different times that require sports days to change. This term Foundation to Year 5 are doing Zumba sessions on a Monday as part of their sport program! To make it easy for parents, please see the set sports days for each grade.

    Foundation Monday and Friday
    Year 1 Monday and Friday
    Year 2 Monday and Thursday
    Year 3 Monday and Friday
    Year 4 Monday and Friday
    Year 5 Monday and Thursday
    Year 6 Tuesday and Thursday


    It is timely to remind all parents and carers about the need to be safe and extra careful in and around the school, particularly during drop off and pick up times. We often see some concerning behaviours that quite simply, place the students’ and others’ safety at risk. Your continued attention to this is appreciated. Please see the attached carpark guidelines.

    Carpark Guidelines


    A reminder that we are now in full production mode for the St Joseph’s Fete and Family Fun Day on Sunday 6 November. There will be regular updates and information being sent out over the coming weeks. Please make sure you keep up to date and support the efforts of the Fete Committee as best as you can. Please see the P&F News in today's Newsletter for the latest information. 

    Have a great end to the week.
    Yours in Christ,
    Cameron Tarrant
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    Religious Life of the School

    October is World Mission Month, a month dedicated to the life-giving work of missionaries around the world.

    This year, we walk hand-in-hand with the Church of Ethiopia and the local communities towards providing life-changing opportunities to those most in need.

    Pope Francis, in his 2022 World Mission Sunday message, invites everyone to answer the call to be missionary, sharing that "Mission is carried out together, not individually...".

    You may like to explore the terrific resources Catholic Mission has put together as a family at this link

    Prayer and Worship

    Pope’s prayer intentions- For The Challenges Facing Humanity and the Mission of the Church

    Let all be one! May we all be one!

    Good Father, we want to do our part and

    live the words that your son Jesus spoke to you.

    We wish to live out fully the mission we

    received at Baptism.

    We dream of being a Church in a communion of love that is

    collaborative and missionary,

    committed to the challenges of the world

    in which everyone can feel at home and can participate.

    We dream of being a Church that listens to the renewing

    of your Holy Spirit,

    a Church of closeness, compassion

    and tenderness, that does not separate from life

    but takes charge of the fragilities and poverty of our time.

    Help us to be a different Church open to your newness

    in which we all walk together.


    Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments

    Term 4 Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Week 2:   Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Foundation

    Week 3:   Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 1

                     Friday 28 October - Grandparents & Special Friends Day

                     9:15am - Prayer Celebration  led by 6

                     Followed by Open Classrooms and Morning Tea

    Week 4:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 2

    Week 5:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 3

                     Friday 11 November - Remembrance Day Memorial (11:00am)

    Week 6:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 4

    Week 7:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 5

                      Thursday 24 November - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

    Week 8:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 6

                      Thursday 1 December - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

    Week 9:    Thursday 8 December - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

                     Thursday 8 December - Christmas Nativity (6:00pm)

                     Friday 9 December - Thanksgiving & Year 6 Graduation Mass

    Week 10:  Thursday 15 December - Advent Prayer Celebration led by
                     4 Green (2.15pm)


    Last Term during the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation Year 6 students were learning about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. During this learning the students were asked to reflect on these fruits. I would like to share an exemplary reflection with you written by student Diego Lacar.


    The Gift of knowledge may seem like it means that you know a lot, but the gift of knowledge is really doing something good with that knowledge. For example, what's the point of knowing a lot if you’re not going to do anything with that knowledge. You could think of this as what’s the point of having a lot of money if you can’t spend it. It’s the same as knowledge, you could share your knowledge with others and help them thrive and improve. Sharing your knowledge could be as easy as giving someone advice on something that they’re struggling on, and helping them figure out the problem. Then they may help others with problems and the result of that would be amazing knowing that you were the cause of helping many people. In (2 Chronicles 1:10) it says “Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead these people, for who is able to govern these great people of yours?”  In this scripture he doesn’t want knowledge because he wants to be the smartest person in the world but because he wants to teach and lead with that gift. He wants to put out his gift and share his knowledge with others.


    The Gift of counsel is knowing wrong from right. Knowing wrong from right is crucial because we need to make the right decision so we don’t get in trouble, or others don’t get in trouble. If your friends are doing the wrong thing you should leave the situation and tell someone. By doing this you prevent 1. Yourself from getting injured, 2. You are not getting in trouble and 3. Your friends won’t get in trouble. The gift of counsel can be learnt from a young age, we all learn what’s good and what’s bad at a young age but The Holy Spirit can strengthen it. In (Isaiah 7:15) it says “He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right,” which is basically saying he will be rewarded for choosing right over wrong.


    Kindness is one of the fruits of the spirit. Kindness is something that we could all consider more. Kindness is when you are kind and nice to your neighbours. Kindness is something that makes one feel good about themselves. You could compliment someone or help them do something, doing these things could potentially make their day, or make them feel happy. Kindness is a very strong thing, for example someone could be having a really bad day or they might not feel well, but your little bit of kindness could make someone feel a lot better. Another example of how powerful kindness is is when you are kind to someone then they feel good and they share it with others and then they feel happy and so on. Your little bit of kindness can influence a great amount of people, and change their day. In (Genesis 24:27) it says ‘May it be that when I say to a young woman, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels to’—let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.”’ This shows how grateful people are for kindness. This person who was asking for water received what he had asked for and is now so grateful that he is asking God to reward her.


    Gentleness is another fruit of the spirit and is a very important fruit. Gentleness is being considerate, thoughtful, protective and gentle with others. I like to think of it as being all these things with your younger siblings or cousins. You would do anything to protect them, and you’re always thoughtful of them. Gentleness is another fruit that we can learn at a young age, although we learn it at a young age this fruit gets strengthened because of the Holy Spirit. We need gentleness because we want to protect others. Being considerate could be a few things, for example you need to be considerate of someone's allergies so you don’t hurt them. This is a great example of gentleness because it shows that we need to be thoughtful of others. In (1Peter 3:15) it says ‘But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,’ this is indicating that we should do things with gentleness and respect. Respect comes up and also relates to being thoughtful and considerate. 

    By Diego Lacar

    Social Action & Justice

    The Wellbeing Team Leaders are working on a "Move for Mission" lunchtime Disco on Thursday 27th October. There will be one offered Break 1 for Junior Primary and one offered Break 2 for Upper Primary. It will be a gold coin donation entry with more information over the coming weeks.

    Evangelisation and Faith Formation

    Faith Formation

    Last week St Joseph’s Parish began its annual Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) journey this October.

    If you are curious about God or the Catholic Church, were baptised as a child but did not receive Eucharist or Confirmation, visit the parish one Sunday and speak to Fr Paul.

    If you have questions about the RCIA process, please email Father Paul at

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator 

    Fete News


    Pre-purchase tokens, raffle tickets, colour run entry and St Joseph’s Primary School 2022 wine by Lake George Winery on Qkr before the fete and save! For more details see the flyer that was sent home today.


    Our silent auction is now live! Go to and start bidding!

    Our silent auction features an exciting range of 24 items to bid on, including:

    • Learn to sing from the Principal Artist of Opera Australia
    • Group tennis coaching with the childhood coach of Aussie champ, Nick Kyrios
    • Anti-wrinkle packages from ‘Natural Look Clinic’ - Canberra’s most popular, new botox clinic
    • Kids explorer packs!

    Plus – corporate head-shot sessions, NextGen gym passes and much more!

    Check out the full list of silent auction items and start bidding!


    Don’t forget to send in donations for raffle prizes by next Friday 21 October.

    We will be holding another uniform-free day next Wednesday 19 October to source donations for lucky dip prizes. More information will be sent on Friday.

    We also seeking donations of preloved clothes (limit 2 per family), books, puzzles, and board games.

    Sustainability in Action


    It’s here! With special thanks to our P&F, we can now collect face masks for recycling. After a special presentation made by our young Changemakers, our Terracycle box has been added to our school’s extra recycling collection. You can now stop putting these plastic materials in the bin- and help us recycle right!


    Speaking of recycling, sadly, Lids4Kids is currently only accepting aluminium blister packs and lids. See picture for example. 

    Recycle the present, save the future.”


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Teacher 

    If you’d like to talk about any concerns about your child, you can contact me via email  at or phone 0488 468 056.

    Kind regards

    Kerry Marshall

    Student and Family Counsellor

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    Congratulations to the Week 1 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    Tyler B

    Amarieah D

    Foundation White

    Hugo M

    Winifred W-B

    1 Purple

    Wallace B

    Eden N

    1 Teal

    Manuela S

    Mia M

    2 Magenta

    Ivy E

    Droduel T

    2 Yellow

    Christian D

    Tilly McG

    3 Black

    Arlie B

    Evie McG

    3 Navy

    Anna J

    Delphi U

    4 Gold

    Marcos D C

    Ishana M

    4 Green

    Mia B

    Alexander M

    5 Blue

    Vasili P

    Emilia R

    5 Orange

    Lily P

    Nova S

    6 Lime

    Max M

    Felix P

    6 Silver

    Zoe G

    Sienna S

    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


    Rishaan M
    Matthew S
    Diego L
    Kaley A