St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 9 Term 4 2022 Newsletter

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Week 9 Term 4 2022 Newsletter
    Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,

    ‘Every Catholic School is a Sacrament of Hope’

    This quote from Fr Timothy Radcliffe was the provocation at a recent Principal Meeting and brought up many compelling and experiential comments.

    Today, as we look ahead to the end of our school year, and more importantly the joy of Christmas, I take this opportunity to ask all parents and friends to also consider this quote.

    St Joseph’s, the students, the staff, the parents, and the wider community, are in many ways the fulfilment of this Sacrament of Hope. We offer the opportunity to hear the message of God, through the words and actions of each other.

    This Christmas, I impress on all of our students and families, to realise the important Hope that we offer those around us. I wish you all a wonderful, joyous, and special Christmas together with family and friends and look forward to all that 2023 holds for us at St Joseph’s and for those who will leave us at the end of this year.

    2023 Staffing

    As announced previously, we do have a number of wonderful staff members leaving St Joseph’s. Farewell to Koby Allan who is moving to Wollongong, Michelle Vuli who is moving to Newcastle, Jake Kucher who is moving to St Jude’s in Holder, Fiona Pettit and Jenny Grierson who are retiring, Hayley Gould who is taking maternity leave, and to Kerry Marshall our School and Family Counsellor who is finishing at the end of the year. We wish them all every success and happiness as they begin new adventures.  

    Therefore, we also welcome new staff to St Joseph’s, which is always exciting and adds to the wonderful school community that we already have. Please see below the Staffing Roles for 2023.


    2023 Classes

    Now that we have announced the teachers for each grade and the various roles across the school, on Monday 12 December, all students will be told who their 2023 classroom teacher will be. On Tuesday afternoon from 2.00pm, the students will spend time with their new teacher, if possible, getting to know them a little and preparing for a great 2023. This can be an exciting time, but also an anxious time for children. How your children see you respond to the classes for next year, will give them a very important message. 

    Official School Opening

    Today we welcomed Fr Richard Thompson, in-coming Vicar General in the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Mr Ross Fox, Director of Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn, Mr Alicia Payne, MP Member for Canberra, Ms Tara O’Keefe, ACT Block Grant Authority, Fr Paul Nulley and other special guests to join with us to celebrate the Official Opening of the new Year 1 and 2 classrooms, and the refurbished Year 3 and 4 classrooms. While we have been enjoying these beautiful spaces since the start of 2021, today we came together for a special blessing by Fr Richard, and official unveiling of the plaque recognising the capital investment by the Australian Government Capital Grant Program, Catholic Education and the St Joseph’s community, to complete this much needed building project.

    On behalf of all students, staff and families at St Joseph’s now and into the future, I thank those involved in the delivery of this project. We have much to be proud of as a school!

    Christmas Nativity Celebration

    A reminder that tomorrow night, Thursday 8 December at 6.00pm we have our 2022 Christmas Nativity Celebration and picnic. Looking forward to seeing you all there to celebrate the end of a great year! 

    Upcoming Events

    • Thursday 8 December 2.15pm – Advent Prayer Celebration led by 1 Teal
    • Thursday 8 December 6.00pm – Christmas Nativity Celebration
    • Friday 9 December 12.00pm – Thanksgiving and End of Year Mass in the church
    • Monday 12 December 2.15pm - Year 5 and 6 Leadership Ceremony in the Hall
    • Monday 12 December 6.30pm - Year 6 Graduation Function Duxton Hotel
    • Tuesday 13 December 2.00pm - 2023 Meet the Teacher
    • Wednesday 14 December - Year 6 Fun Day
    • Wednesday 14 December - Semester 2 Reports available on Compass
    • Thursday 15 December - Final day of school for 2022
    • Thursday 15 December 2.15pm - Advent Prayer Celebration led by 4 Green
    • Thursday 15 December 2.50 - Final farewells and tunnel
    • Friday 16 December - Pupil Free Day

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant
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    Religious Life of the School

    Social Action and Justice

    Thank you to those who have sent in donations for the St Vincent de Paul 2022 Christmas Appeal. This Friday we will bring all your wonderful donations together to create Christmas Hampers for those in need in our community. We will also have our giving tree for families to take a gift tag to buy and wrap a gift for a person in our community. There are still a large number of tags still waiting to be attached to the gift. The giving tree will be up until the last day of Term 4 so you still have time.


    Prayer and Worship

    Pope Francis entrusts his Worldwide Prayer Network each month with prayer intentions that express his great concern for humanity and for the mission of the Church. His monthly prayer intention is a worldwide call to transform our prayer into specific actions; it is a compass for a mission of compassion for the world.

    December Prayer Intention - For volunteer not-for-profit organisations

    We pray that volunteer non-profit organizations committed to human development find people dedicated to the common good and ceaselessly seek out new paths to international cooperation.

    Holy Spirit,

    who propels the construction of the Kingdom,

    animating hearts and strengthening wills,

    we give you thanks for those who give themselves

    to the most fragile,

    faithfully and freely,

    as a living proclamation of the tenderness of Jesus Christ.

    Send your inspiration and joy to more people

    who wish to donate their time and their lives with love

    for brothers and sisters in need,

    refugees, the sick, the elderly, and children.

    May there be an increase in people,

    who wish to become closer to their fellow man.


    Celebrating Liturgy 

    We are so happy to be able to hold our Advent prayer celebrations with students together in the hall. These prayer celebrations are a vital part of our St Joseph’s tradition. Parents of classes leading the prayer celebration are warmly invited to attend these prayer celebrations.

    Evangelisation and Faith Formation

    Faith Formation

    St Joseph’s Parish has begun its annual Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) journey this October.

    If you are curious about God or the Catholic Church, were baptised as a child but did not receive Eucharist or Confirmation, visit the parish one Sunday and speak to Fr Paul.

    If you have questions about the RCIA process, please email Father Paul at


    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator 

    Sustainability in Action

    Seeking animal-lovers to take home our beautiful chickens for Summer holidays! A chicken cage can be delivered to your house for chicken safe-keeping. If interested in being rostered on, please email me ASAP. DJ Cluckster and Peaches would love to provide you with fresh eggs daily!


    “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg; not by smashing it.”

    –Arnold H Glasow

    Ryan McGee


    End of Year in the Library.

    We are starting to collect all overdue books now in the hope we will have a 100% return rate. Next week will be the last week of borrowing for all students.  Please return your books promptly to the library in the coming weeks.If you are still having trouble locating books. Please email me at

      Uniform Shop News


      Congratulations to the Week 9 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Aurora B

      Lachlan T

      Foundation White

      Harriet P

      Billy T

      1 Purple

      Manseerat K

      Nicholas G

      1 Teal

      Jack S

      Remy U

      2 Magenta

      Gwen V

      Audrey B

      2 Yellow

      Christian D

      Amari P

      3 Black

      Alice Z

      Sammy S

      3 Navy

      Delphi U

      Amelia T

      Rishan S

      4 Gold

      Scarlett S

      Kathy A

      Keone S

      4 Green

      Henry A

      Emanuel S

      Mary C

      5 Blue

      Eleanor C

      Oscar H

      5 Orange

      Ashley F

      Atem M

      6 Lime

      Reese M

      Sam S

      Antonija K

      6 Silver

      Maria P

      Matthew S

      Lucas B


      Claire A

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Holly H
      Wallace B
      Lily P