St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 10 Term 1 2023 Newsletter

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Week 10 Term 1 2023 Newsletter

    Dear parents and carers,

    Holy Week is the most sacred of times for our faith community, when as Christians we journey with Jesus through the final moments of His life. Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday is starkly contrasted against His tragic crucifixion on Good Friday. However, as believers we know that we will, and continue to, experience His endless love and revealed message at Easter.

    As we journey through Holy Week, I pray that we are all touched by the message of Easter, and renewed in our shared belief in ourselves, each other, and our St Joseph’s community. I hope that the break from school allows students, staff and families an opportunity to stop and spend time with loved ones and to renew after a busy start to 2023. Have a wonderful break and stay safe.

    Sip and Swap

    Congratulations and thank you to Ryan McGee and her many helpers for hosting a wonderfully successful Sip and Swap event. With over 50 people attending, Josephite sisters Sr Noelene Quinane and Sr Colleen from Catholic Care brought attention to the work being done at MacKillop House to support Canberra Women in need. We were also fortunate to have Julie Bolton from the Monash Sustainable Development Institute share with us the impact of our insatiable appetite for clothes and how this can be managed into the future. It was a great night that raised awareness, but also much needed funds for MacKillop House. Thank you to everyone involved!

    Enrolment Period

    Unbelievably, we are already preparing for our 2024 enrolment period, which begins officially at the start of May. Most important is for current families who have enrolments for 2024, to please submit these as soon as possible. I will begin enrolment interviews for current families, early in Term 2. Please contact the Front Office if you have any questions.


    Morning Protocols

    Parents are asked to please be considerate of the following concerns from the start of Term 2.

    • The Drive Thru lane is not used for parking of a morning (or afternoon). If you wish to walk your child into school, or finish getting them dressed or ready for school, please park in the marked carparks away from the Drive Thru lane.
    • If your child arrives after 8.50am, a parent must sign them in using the Compass Kiosk, or the iPad if dropped off by someone not on the regular contact list. This is a required safety measure to ensure all students are accounted for each day. A student is not able to sign themselves in / out of school.
    Seasons for Growth

    The Seasons for Growth Children and Young People's Program strengthens the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people (aged 6-18 years) who have experienced significant change or loss in their lives. The program provides a safe learning environment for children and young people where they can give voice to their experiences, understand and befriend their feelings, learn skills that help them adapt, develop friendships, and recognise ‘I’m not the only one’.

    Seasons for Growth is an innovative, evidence-based change, loss and grief education program that draws on the metaphor of the seasons to understand the experience of grief. It builds the knowledge and skills necessary to strengthen social and emotional wellbeing following significant loss by:

    • Exploring the impact of change and loss
    • Learning about effective ways to respond and adapt

    Participants learn that they are not alone in their experience of change, loss and grief, and are able to build their communication, decision making and problem solving skills within the context of a safe and supportive peer group learning environment.

    All Seasons for Growth programs are grounded in sound, person-centred educational principles.

    St Joseph’s would like to offer this program here at school. Jo Krippner will run this program and is looking for students who would benefit from being a part of ‘Seasons for Growth’. If you would like your child to have the opportunity to be involved please email Jo at

    House Points/Recycling Challenge

    Thank you to all families who brought 10c bottles and cans to school to be recycled this term. In Week 5 we recycled 2,369 bottles and cans, and another 923 in Week 9. A grand total of 3,292 for the term, raising $329.20! A fabulous effort by everyone. A huge shout out to the Percival family who takes all the cans and bottles to the recycling centre. 

    We will continue our bottles and cans drive Tuesday to Friday in Weeks 4 and 9 in Term 2. Stay tuned for which days of those weeks are your House’s turn to fill up the recycling bins and trailer and earn House points!

    The overall winning House for Term 1 was Lourdes with a massive total of 5826 points. Congratulations to all the students in Lourdes, they will be treated to a pizza lunch early next term. 

    Thank you everyone for the support and effort that goes into making St Joseph’s a great school. Have a wonderful break and I look forward to seeing all the students on Wednesday 26 April.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

    Upcoming Events

    • 6 April – Good Friday Prayer Celebration (6 Sliver) – 2.15pm in the Hall
    • 6 April – Futsal Gala Day - MPower Dome
    • 6 April – Last day of Term 1
    • Monday 24 April – Pupil Free Day
    • Tuesday 25 April - ANZAC Day
    • Wednesday 26 April – First day of Term 2
    • Save the Date – School Disco – Friday night 19 May. More information to come!
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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s

    This week is Holy Week, Holy Week is the most important week of our Catholic Year and includes three main events. 


    Holy Week begins seven days before Easter Sunday with Palm Sunday. At St Joseph’s we started our Holy week with a Palm Sunday Prayer Celebration led by 4 Gold. On Palm Sunday we celebrate the triumphant entry of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, into Jerusalem, riding a donkey. On that day, the people laid palms before Him, a gesture reserved for triumphant leaders. We celebrate this at Mass by distributing palms. The palms are blessed at Mass and eventually returned to the Church where they are burned and their ashes saved and distributed at the following year's Ash Wednesday services.

    Later, when Jesus entered the Temple in Jerusalem, he angrily drove out the money changers who had turned the Temple court into a place of business instead of devotion. Once the court was cleared, Jesus began teaching the masses. Meanwhile, His enemies drew plans to kill Him.

    The next major event in Holy Week is Holy Thursday. At St Joseph’s, 6 Lime led us in a Holy Thursday Prayer today. On Holy Thursday, Jesus celebrated the Jewish Passover feast with the disciples. We know this feast as the Last Supper. After supper, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives and prayed. From this event comes inspiration for our practice of Eucharistic Adoration, where we are invited to spend one hour in prayer with Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist; Body, Blood, and Divinity. Holy Thursday is the night He was betrayed by Judas and arrested.

    The next event in Holy Week is Good Friday where we commemorate the trial, punishment, and crucifixion of Our Lord. Tomorrow 6 Silver will lead us in a Good Friday Prayer Celebration. On Good Friday, Jesus was brought before Annas, a powerful Jewish cleric who condemned Jesus for blasphemy. From there, Jesus was presented to Pilate for trial. Although Pilate found no guilt in Jesus, he agreed to have him crucified to appease the crowd of people and prevent a riot.

    Christ was stripped, flogged, and crowned with thorns. He was then forced to carry His Cross to the place of His execution. There, He was nailed to the Cross between two thieves who were likewise crucified. Late that afternoon, seeking to ensure Christ's death, a Roman guard stabbed him in his side with a spear. When Jesus died, an earthquake is said to have occurred as well as a great darkness which covered the land. Suddenly, many people knew Jesus was the Son of God.

    Jesus was taken and laid quickly in a borrowed tomb, in accord with Jewish law, which required the dead be buried by sundown before the Sabbath.

    In our churches, the Tabernacle is left empty, to show that Christ is departed.

    On Holy Saturday, we remember that Jesus was descended into hell where He preached the Gospel to those who died before and opened the way to heaven for all those who were worthy. Holy Saturday concludes Holy Week. The following day is Easter Sunday, the day on which it was discovered the Tomb was empty, and our Lord was resurrected, triumphing over death once and for all time.

    Prayer and Worship

    Sacrament of Reconciliation

    Last Wednesday students in Year 3 participated in a retreat day as they concluded their learning about the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Some students also made their first Reconciliation. Congratulations to these students who have taken the next step in their faith journey.


    Adam Addison Andrew
    Ayla Azrielle Charlee
    Charlie Claire Beatrice
    Eloise Gwendolyn Isaac
    Isla  Ivy Kyle
    Madeline Makur Marial
    Olivia Ryan  Samuel
    Sebastian Teilo Xander

    Social Justice and Action

    Project Compassion


    Tomorrow is our last day of our Tapitas fundraising. Water droplets can be purchased from the Well-being Team, which is then added to our Tapitas display wall. Large droplets are $5 and small droplets are a Gold Coin donation. Each school house has their own tap in our display and the house that raises the most money will win a prize.

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action

    Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

    Year 3 has spent the term preparing, propagating, planting and caring for an exciting harvest of summer vegetables. Tomatoes, rockmelons, herbs and 1 fabulous pumpkin are the result of their hard work and dedication. Each month, one of these fabulous young botanists will enjoy a feature as Gardener of the Month!



    Gardener of the Month- Addison F.

    Addison was selected for her willingness to take on any job, and always clean up any tools left behind in the garden. 

    Favourite vegetable: Tomatoes and carrots

    Favourite thing to do in the garden: Planting

    Favourite garden tool: Hose

    Seeking Chicken Lovers

    Our school chickens would love to see you over school holidays! If you are available to care for our chickens, please email me at your earliest convenience as I put together a holiday roster.



    Now Collecting Bread Bags and Tags

    Also in Sustainability…please send in your bread bags and bread clips (any brand is fine). These bread clips are redeemable for reward points going toward school equipment, as well as recycled by Wonder! This collection box will be with the other special collections in the hallway outside the staff room.


    From little seeds, grow mighty trees!”- Anonymous 

    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Sports News

    Cross Country 

    Congratulations to all the students on their wonderful efforts at the Cross Country on Friday. It was an amazing day and couldn’t go ahead without all our parent volunteers, so thank you! 

    Regional Swimming Carnival 

    Well done to all our Regional Cross swimming Competitors who represented St Joseph’s on Monday at the AIS. They did an amazing job and swam great in their races in some challenging conditions. 

    Athletics Carnival 

    The 2023 St Joseph Cross Country will take place at the O’Connor District Playing fields on Friday 5th May. More information to follow at the beginning of term 2. If you would like to volunteer to help, please email me. 

    Mel Moore 

    Mountain Bike Recap

    We had two students enter the Stromlo Schools Mountain Bike challenge a couple of weeks ago. Well done Oliver and Verity!

    On Friday 24 March, we went to Stromlo mountain bike tracks. From 9am - 1.30pm we could ride three different trails as many times as we wanted. There were 150 kids! Our fastest times were then added together to give a score. On one trail I made up 8 seconds on my last run. It was the best day! Oliver L

    Mountain biking is fast and it was a hot day! We rode all day and had to ride up to the top of Mount Stromlo each time. I did 10 runs on the trails. I think school might have been easier but not as fun! Verity L

    Does your child ski or snowboard?

    Participating in the 2023 Interschool Snowsport Championships is a great way for St Joseph’s students to have fun and improve their skills while representing our fantastic school on the snow. 

    Interschools provides an opportunity for students of all ages to experience snowsport and participate at a recreational or competitive level. Students from Kindergarten to Year 12 compete for their school as part of a team in any of the nine events. You can find more about the events on the Interschools website.

    While students from all ability levels are encouraged to enter the events as the emphasis is on fun and participation, it is advised that all competitors are able to link turns and ride a chairlift/T-bar confidently prior to competing.

    The ACT and Regional NSW Interschools Snowsport Championships are scheduled at Perisher between 18 and 21 July 2023 (see schedule).

    There are some fees for registering and racing and parents/guardians are responsible for arranging accommodation, meals & tickets for the duration of the Championship which will be held at Perisher. Perisher usually guarantees tickets will be available for sale to all competitors for their races dates.

    If you think your child might be interested in participating email Christina Grant ( to ask questions or register your interest.  


      Uniform Shop News


      Canteen News

      Hello Parents and Carers,

      As of Term 2, I have been given the amazing opportunity to be the new Canteen Manager. Thanks to Katie for all the hard work she has put in for the last 2 years.

      There will be no changes in the beginning, Canteen days will stay Wednesday - Friday.

      The canteen in most cases is a treat or just a well earned break from making lunches every morning, it’s still important to ensure what is being offered is healthy and filling, so I will be looking for input from everyone on what you would like to see in the canteen or no longer want to see. 

      There will be some exciting and helpful opportunities coming up next term and the canteen would benefit from new faces and new skills. If you or maybe the grandparents would like to help, drop an email to and don’t forget your Working with Vulnerable People card (WWVP).

      You can apply for a WWVP card at 

      Thank you 


      Congratulations to the Week 10 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Brianna T

      Emmanuel O

      Foundation White

      Aundrei T

      Margot S

      1 Purple

      Elliot S

      Michael H

      1 Teal

      Christina T

      Emmy M

      2 Magenta

      Wishmitha G

      Oliver W

      Laura P

      2 Yellow

      Manuela S

      Zachary T

      Dakota W

      3 Black

      Christian D

      Rinisha G

      3 Navy

      Andrew S

      Sebastian P

      4 Gold

      Annabelle F

      Harry F

      Edmund G

      4 Green

      Teilo K-J

      Pheobe G

      5 Blue

      Sophia A

      Connor J

      Aidan M

      5 Orange

      Henry A

      Ryan M

      6 Lime

      Nova S

      Josie M

      6 Silver

      Maeve M

      Kayla N


      Emmett J

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week, and over the school holidays:


      Charlie G
      Julian F
      Evie M
      Asher F
      Filipa F
      Stefano V
      Ameya M
      Samphel N
      Maddison D
      Pippa G
      Yvonne G
      Tejas G
      Sebastian S
      Scarlett H
      Zachary T
      Eloise P