St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 6 Term 4 2023 Newsletter

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Week 6 Term 4 2023 Newsletter

    God of compassion,

    Bring hope and peace to those in our community,

    And across our world,

    Where conflict and sadness prevails.

    May we see the value of others and

    Fight to uphold the dignity of all.


    Dear parents and carers,

    Once again we pray for all who are faced with conflict in our world. It is a sad time to see all that is taking place in Israel and Palestine, and we hope that peace and comfort comes to those who are impacted by this ongoing tragedy.

    Improved Learning in Classrooms


    Over recent weeks the staff have engaged in discussion and planning to better ensure that learning is maximised in the classroom. At St Joseph’s, we are blessed with an overall positive school environment and minimal significant behaviour issues. However, what is most impacting learning and overall enjoyment of school is regular ‘low-level’ behaviours.

    Low-level behaviours include calling out, not listening, fidgeting, being distracted, answering back, chatting, and not attending to the lesson. On the playground it is playing rough, arguing about the rules of a game, unfriendly comments, leaving lunch boxes and jumpers where they drop, and being slow to line at the end of break time.

    These low-level behaviours take a lot of time out of our capacity to engage students and reduces the opportunity to maximise learning and ensure everyone enjoys their time at school.

    All staff are actively addressing this by setting high expectations of students and their behaviour and calling out the unwanted low-level behaviours in the classroom and on the playground. We are closely recording the prevalence of these behaviours and identifying students who are not meeting the expectations.

    This will mean that some students require additional support from our Behaviour Management Statement of Practice, resulting in parents being contacted or sent copies of completed Behaviour Learning Forms.

    Therefore, I ask all parents to support the school in our collective efforts to ensure student learning and a positive school environment are a priority. If we contact you about your child’s behaviour, or you receive copies of Behaviour Learning Forms, please actively work with your child to set them up of for success and positive engagement at school. We are happy to discuss any concerns, with a continued focus on all students meeting the expectations at St Joseph’s. Through this collective effort, everyone will thrive at our school.

    2024 Classes

    In preparation for organising classes for 2024, the Socio-gram was sent home with all students in Foundation to Year 5 earlier in the term – please ensure this has been returned to your child’s teacher. This is always a very carefully considered process that begins with the current teacher and what they know of each student and, first and foremost, their learning. At the same time, all social aspects of friendships and new opportunities are taken into account. On the Socio-gram, we have asked you and your child to consider 3 friends that they would like to be in a class with in 2024. The intention is to ensure that each student is paired with at least one of their friends they nominate.

    If there is specific information that parents would like to advise me of to assist the composition of classes for 2024, then this must be done so in writing to me either via email or letter by no later than Friday 24 November. This does not include requests for particular teachers, nor does it include considerations other than the learning needs of your child. Each year is a new start for all students, and teachers, and therefore only information provided this year is taken into consideration when putting classes together for 2024.

    Representing Australia

    Next week, Amani N in Year 4 is heading to Malaysia to represent Australia in an U10 international futsal competition. Amani performs at a high level across a number football teams and this is great recognition of his commitment. We wish Amani good luck and look forward to hearing all about the tournament. Well done!

    Food Bank

    We are all very aware of the pressures that being faced by many households across our community with the rising cost of living. As a school, this pressure is being felt by many families. Over recent years, we have supported others through our Food Bank, where it is possible for me to reach out to families to offer a little extra care when I hear that they might need a hand. A simple meal makes a big difference.

    If you would like to contribute to our Food Bank, by cooking an extra meal or two for us to keep in our freezers here at school, please contact Aldona Stravopodis for more information - Thank you in advance.

    School Photos

    The 2023 school photos have now arrived and will be sent home with students tomorrow. We have again had all of the sibling photos printed, which are now available for purchase from the school Front Office for $15.

    Kid-Free Night


    Christmas edition - Friday 1 December. Bookings now open via Qkr!

    This is an opportunity to drop the kids off at school for a couple of hours on Friday evening 1 December, with Camp Australia and P&F volunteers doing the supervision while parents can get some shopping done (or perhaps finding a chance to catch up with each other).


    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

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    Social Action and Justice

    Last Friday we held our Silly Sock Day to raise money for Catholic Mission. Thank you to those people who donated a gold coin. If it slipped your mind last week, all are invited to wear silly socks again this coming Friday for a gold coin donation.



    Pope’s Prayer for November

    Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd.

    When Peter was a prisoner,

    the Church prayed incessantly for him.

    They were aware that their prayers sustained him.

    We ask you today to pray for the Pope, to pray

    for what he carries in his heart, and to pray for what worries him.

    Increase in us our love for the Church

    and the acceptance of the discernment

    of the Bishop of Rome who presides

    over the communion of all the churches.

    From his universal gaze, he helps us

    to recognize the action of the Holy Spirit.



    Term 4 Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Week 6     Thursday 9.15 am Buddy Class Mass: 4 Gold and Foundation White


    Week 7     Thursday 2.15pm  Advent Prayer Celebration led by 1 Purple


    Week 8      Thursday 2.15pm  Advent Prayer Celebration led by 2 Yellow


    Week 9      Thursday 2.15pm  Advent Prayer Celebration led by 1 Teal

                      Wednesday 6pm Christmas Carols


    Week 10     Monday 12.00pm Thanksgiving & Y6 Graduation Mass 

                      Tuesday 2.15pm Year 5 and 6 Leadership Ceremony

                      Thursday 2.15pm  - Advent Prayer Celebration led by 2 Magenta


    RE News w6t4.png


    Recently we have had some of our older children seeking to be Baptised. A big congratulations and official welcome to Ryan M, Zach B, Aidan and Florence J on their Baptism and formal initiation into the Catholic Church. May they receive God’s grace and may the Holy Spirit dwell in them. 


    Would you like to know more about the sacrament of Baptism?


    St Joseph’s Parish celebrates Baptisms for children and infants on the first and third Saturday of every month. Attendance at one family preparation session prior to the Baptism is an important part of this formation.

     Preparation Sessions Occur:

    1st Wednesday of every month - 5pm – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

    3rd Wednesday of every month – 1pm – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

    Baptism Celebrations (multiple families) Occur:

    1st & 3rd Saturday of every month - 11am – St Joseph’s Church

    To enrol in the baptism sacramental program please email with your preferred preparation session time. Once your preparation session is confirmed, Father Anthony will guide you through the rest of the process. 


    Yours in Christ,

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action


    We need your help!

    Being sustainable isn’t always easy, and we would love your help. Did you know that Lifeline Canberra recycles up to 1 million books every year? If you are available to transport some of our library’s pre-loved books to Lifeline in Mitchell- we need you!

    Lifeline address: 40 Heffernan St in Mitchell. Open M-S 10am-2pm for drop offs.

    We are also looking for help with dropping clean lids in Fyshwick. As we are cleaning and wrapping up this year’s collection - we would be grateful for assistance with dropping our clean lids at 141 Canberra Avenue Fyshwick, Monday-Friday 10am-2pm. Please email me or stop in if you are available for either job!

    “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”- Helen Keller

    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator



    This week was the last week for borrowing.

    Overdue notices went out today. Please try and get all books back as soon as you can as there will be stocktaking occurring in Week 10. Please contact me via email if there are any issues.


    Georgina Jaram

    Hi Families,

    Next Friday (24 November) is National Fairy Bread Day! So of course we are going to celebrate this!!!



    Canteen News w6t4.jpg

    As the school year draws to an end, the Snack Shack (yes that's right the canteen
    has a new name thank you to 5 Blue) will be limiting stock. The menu will be updated to reflect any changes based on availability and options. Keep checking Qkr!


    I would personally like to thank everyone who has helped out the Snack Shack throughout 2023. I would be lost without you all.


    Thank you,


      Uniform Shop News
      Uniform Shop w2t1 image 1.png

      Congratulations to the Week 6 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Tashi W

      Foundation White

      Henry M

      Samuel B

      1 Purple

      Elliot S

      Asher F

      Fynn A

      1 Teal

      Winifred W-B

      Xavier P-E

      2 Magenta

      Oliver W

      Cooper D

      Jasmeen S-J

      2 Yellow

      Zachary T

      Manseerat K

      Sahana B

      3 Black

      Ayla A

      Gwen V-F

      3 Navy

      Rishaan M

      Azrielle T

      4 Gold

      Giovanni B-A

      Vairaj B

      Lucy M

      4 Green

      Teilo K-J

      Levi I

      Amelia T

      5 Blue

      Aidan M

      Alex M

      Luerice G

      5 Orange

      Eleanor M

      Alice P

      Evie P

      6 Lime

      Atem M

      Ashley F

      6 Silver

      Kobe P

      Callum A


      Emma P

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Anna J
      Aidan M
      Amelia B
