St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 8 Term 2 2024 Newsletter

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Week 8 Term 2 2024 Newsletter

    Dear parents and carers,

    Dear Lord, Your Word often talks about people in need finding safety. We pray today for people experiencing homelessness, that children and families in need with no place to call home will be guided to places of peace and security.

    Scripture tells us so many times that people who believe in You are to be kind to those who are in need and make sure they have enough to eat. We pray that You help us remember Your command and support children and families with access to food and other resources.


    St Vincent de Paul CEO Sleepout


    Tomorrow night I will be joining with 167 other CEOs and leaders in bringing attention to the challenges faced by so many in our community. Across the ACT and surrounds, over $600k has been raised, which I know will make an enormous difference.

    However, as I have shared with the students over recent days, I have been able to make the choice to spend one night being cold and very uncomfortable, after which I will come back to school and return home to a warm bed. Many others do not have this chance. The work done by Vinnies goes a long way and any support we can provide, I hope, will help those in most need. Thank you to all in our school community who have helped me raise almost $6200!

    School Community Council

    Tonight at 7.00pm all parents and carers are invited to join the School Community Council Open Meeting. A Compass alert was sent to all parents on Tuesday 18 June with an agenda and supporting documentation. The meeting will also be hosted online - Join the meeting now

    In the hope of promoting and broadening the reach of the Council Exec, below is an introduction to each member of the Exec. A new email address has been set up for the School Community Council – that allows for all parents to be able to contact the Council Exec, provide feedback and comment, and to raise any items for the Open Meeting Agenda.


    Parish News

    Positions on the St Joseph’s Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Council are open for self-nomination by members of our parish and school from 1 July 2024.  Father Thonn needs a reliable group of people to help with the organisation and improvement of our parish.  The councils currently meet monthly at 6pm on a Tuesday in the parish centre.  If you have skills that you would like to put to work in service of St Joseph’s parishioners, please email Father Thonn with your name, and a brief description of the gifts and talents you would like to share with the parish.



    Congratulations to Maddison D who represented St Joseph’s at the Rostrum ACT Primary Schools Speaking Competition quarter finals. Maddison was one of 8 speakers who presented at Lyneham Primary on Monday night, her speech highlighting the current challenges of gender equality. Maddison spoke brilliantly and can be very proud of the quality of her presentation and the depth of her chosen topic. Well done Maddison!

    Dads and Grandads State of Origin Night

    All dads and grandads are invited to come along to the school on Wednesday 26 June from 7.45pm to watch the second State of Origin game on the big screen. Please see the flyer below for further details. Currently there are only a small number of responses.

    Please RSVP -



    Parent / Teacher Interview and Semester 1 Reports

    Bookings are now open for Week 9 Parent Teacher Conferences and are available to be made via Compass. These 15min conferences are an opportunity for you to receive feedback on your child’s academic progress throughout Semester 1. Meetings are in person at school; however, Teams meetings can be arranged directly with class teachers after bookings have been made. 

    On Wednesday of Week 10, Semester 1 student reports will be made available via Compass. These reports do not include a written comment, instead the focus is on teachers speaking to the report / grades in the meetings the week prior. As was introduced across all Catholic schools in 2023, the Semester 2 student reports will include a written comment.

    Interschools Snowsports

    A reminder that we are seeking interest from families wishing for their child/ren to enter the 2024 Interschools Snowsports races this winter, and to represent St Joseph’s. For more information, please see the attached flyer.

    Sibling Photos

    A reminder that the sibling photos taken by MSP Photography at the start of Term 2 are now available for purchase from the Front Office for $15. No prior orders were needed - all school and ELC sibling photos were taken and are available. Card purchase preferred.

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

    Read Less

    First Communion

    On Saturday evening 30 students from St Joseph’s and the parish received the Holy Eucharist for the first time. Through celebrating and receiving the Eucharist they have now entered into the communion of Christ. They have become one with Jesus. Father Thonn spoke about the need for us all to be nourished by Christ each week through the Eucharist so we all can be the face, the hands, the feet and the heart of Jesus in the World.

    I encourage us all to stop and look at how we can all carry out Jesus’ work on earth through our community at St Joseph’s.


    Christian Meditation

    ‘We do not even know how to pray but the Spirit himself prays within us.’

    Romans 8:26

    When was the last time you stopped and spent time with Christ?

    When was the last time you stopped and sat down quietly to take a few minutes of time for yourself?

    If you are like me, it is easy to become caught up in the cycle of work, taxiing children around to various places, cleaning, shopping (for essentials – no time for anything else!) and trying to complete things on the never-ending list of chores to be done around the house. Our lives have become so busy that we, society, have forgotten how to stop and be in the ‘real’ presence of others let alone taking time to listen and be with God.

    Earlier this term, as a staff, we looked deeper into how not only our lives, but the lives of our students are becoming caught up in being constantly on the go. This could be the continual desire by some students to be on devices playing games, watching, or connecting to their peers at all hours. As the mother of four children, I know the difficulty in limiting time on devices and setting boundaries. Sometimes it is easy, and other times, well let’s face it, it is simply easier to give in and let them go on their device.

    Christian Meditation is one way we can provide students time and the opportunity to stop and connect with God. Christian meditation is where you stop, close their eyes, and sit in silence to spend time with the Christ from within. We are encouraged to let go of our thoughts and help our mind enter a deep silence to connect with the Holy Spirit.

    As a school, each class is beginning to teach and participate in the practice of Christian meditation. I encourage you to ask your child to explain Christian meditation to you and perhaps even have a go as a family.



    Kirstie Buckley

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action

    Walk to School from Lyneham Shops…

    Let’s get our steps up AND reduce emissions on Friday as we walk from Lyneham Shops to school, meeting in front of The Front at 8:15am. Parents are welcome to walk as well!

    Sustainability w8t2.jpg
    Too much rubbish!

    Our Year 2's were lucky to enjoy a waste audit from Gabby from Sustainable Schools. After examining the courtyard bins AND the teachers’ bin, students were stunned with these observations:

    • E Waste CANNOT go in landfill bins. The broken toaster we discovered will need to be dropped at an E Waste collection.

    • Recycled goods MUST NOT be in a bag/ liner. If they are, they will not get recycled and instead put into the landfill pile. 


    “Buy less, choose well and make it last” - Vivienne Westwood


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Getting to know you games - crazy fun with the 'Who Am I' game, loom band decorating and some winter craft have kept us laughing and having fun at Kids Club this past fortnight.

    It has been a pleasure spending time in the classrooms with many of the children, and in particular playing games and watching the development of their wonderful writing skills. 

    It was also a delight to host some of the parents for afternoon tea last Wednesday. Thank you for coming out on a cold winter's afternoon to meet me. I hope to meet more of you soon!



    Solid Rock Ministry

    Solid Rock Ministry is a non-denominational Christian Ministry that aims to encourage female military partners and female veterans to live Christian lives, whilst recognising the unique stress and hardships that are placed upon military families, particularly during posting cycles and deployment/separation.

    Regular coffee mornings, lake walks, catchups.

    Two locations - RMC and Weston Creek.

    To find out more email: or visit


    Kookaburra Kids

    Connect Program - Initially developed to support Kookaburra Kids through the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the online Kookaburra Kids Connect program is accessible to all young people, no matter their location.

    The Connect program has been developed with the intention of strengthening bonds between our young people before and between programs, to build safe and positive help-seeking behaviours, and increase their sense of belonging and connectiveness. All materials used throughout the connect program have been developed by their clinical team and are age appropriate. 

    This program has been particularly useful for children of defence families to help support and provide connection during times of relocation and change.
    For more information email:
    or call 1300 566 525 or visit


    Have a great week,

    Lisa Bauer - Defence Support Mentor


    Hello parents and families,

    For the last Friday of Term 2, The Snack Shack will have Butter Chicken available to order. Please remember the cut off for orders will be on Wednesday 3rd July.



      Uniform Shop News


      Congratulations to the Week 8 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Benjamin T

      Allegra R

      Foundation White

      Goch K

      Aalamdeep S

      1 Purple

      Leonetta R

      Alice G

      1 Teal

      Margot S

      Aundrei T

      2 Magenta

      Lyon R

      Elliot S

      2 Yellow

      Danny V

      Amelia B

      3 Black

      Ishane D

      Wallace B

      Jasmeen S-J

      3 Navy

      Cooper D

      Ethan T

      Manseerat K

      Manuela S

      4 Gold

      Tenzin L

      Samuel N

      Zara J

      4 Green

      Audrey B

      Gwendolyn V-F

      5 Blue

      Anna J

      Edmund G

      Harry F

      5 Orange

      Amani N

      Sophia M

      Giovanni B-A

      6 Lime

      Patrick M

      Madison A

      6 Silver

      Bonnie P

      Henry A


      Holly H

      Mia B

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Mia M
      Addison F
      Alice G