St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 2 Term 3 2024 Newsletter

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Week 2 Term 3 2024 Newsletter

    Dear God, thank you for the apples and strawberries and raspberries and trees, and the birds that sing. Amen

    Dear God, I hope you have a good day. Amen

    Dear God, thank you for the birds that sing and for all the food and drinks. Amen


    Dear parents and carers,

    Last term I started a Pray and Play activity group at is open to all students on a Monday at first break. Admittedly there is much more ‘play’ than pray involved as the students get out some board games and just enjoy some quiet time with new friends. However, this week we completed a simple task of writing a prayer to start a prayer chain, which we will add to over time. Our prayers this week are a small insight into the wonderful innocence that exists in children. My prayer is that all children in our world, at some point, have the opportunity to be kids and to pray for the simple things in life.

    Tell Them From Me SurveyPicture1.png

    In the coming weeks we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.

    We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Joseph’s.

    In next week’s brief newsletter a link will be provided to enable all parents to complete the anonymous survey on their computer or mobile device.

    School Disco

    1.pngWith only a couple of days until the school disco, please ensure you have 'purchased' your free ticket via Qkr!

    It is a Mr Men & Little Miss themed disco, so we are looking forward to seeing some creative dress ups as a favourite Mr Men or Little Miss.

    • Junior Disco - ELC to Year 2 - 6.15 - 7.15pm (ELC parents are required to stay for the hour)
    • Senior Disco - Year 3 to 6 - 7.30 - 8.30pm

    Hotdogs and drinks will be provided to the children.

    This is an event put on by the School Community Council at no cost for families.

    However, tickets must be purchased via Qkr! so that we can know numbers. 'Tickets' are available for both the Junior and Senior Discos.

    Happy Families

    Please see linked this week's Insights article from Happy Families on Every Day Counts. As I have reflected upon previously, attending school every day and arriving on time is so important to fostering positive connections with peers and maintaining momentum in learning.

    I have also included a second Insights article called Stop, Look and Listen to Your Kids.

    There are other great resources available on the Happy Families website –

    URL -

    Password – happysjps


    School Community Council

    Tonight the School Community Council Exec is meeting. Included on the agenda is the planned building project and managing the impact to school operations, reviewing a revised Home Learning Statement of Practice, consideration of playground works ‘under the trees’ behind the Library and continuing to promote school and family events to build community. A report will be shared with the wider community following the meeting.

    To promote and broaden the reach of the Council Exec, linked is an School_Community_Council_St_Joseph_s_O_Connor.pdf. Also, the email address – allows for all parents to contact the Council Exec, provide feedback and comment, and to raise any items for the Open Meeting Agenda.

    The next Open Meeting is on Wednesday 11 September and will be a parent information night to learn about the new LEGO Robotics resources that the school is purchasing with the support of the Community Council.

    New Building Project

    Work is continuing on the planned demolition and then reconstruction of new administration and staff spaces in the school.  In short, all the offices and staffrooms from the entrance of the school to the start of Foundation White will be demolished and rebuilt. Linked are images of the new project, with the entrance to the Front Office to now be half-way along the side of the current staff areas. 

    Northern View - looking towards exiting front of school

    Main Entry - looking from trees towards the existing staffroom

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

    Read Less

    Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross

    Born from Scottish parents, Mary MacKillop dedicated her life to servicing the poor and marginalised especially in isolated country areas of Australia. She founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart in South Australia, 1866. Even after Mary’s death in 1909 on the 8th of August the Sisters of Saint Joseph continued to work with the marginalised within communities and opened many more schools throughout Australia. St Joseph’s O’Connor is one of these schools. Mary was canonised by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, on the 17 October 2010, and became Australia’s first saint, Saint Mary of the Cross.

    As a school we honour Saint Mary of the Cross every morning in our prayers and on the 7th of August at 9:15am the whole school will honour St Mary of the Cross in a Mass.  All parents are welcome to join us in the St Joseph’s Church.

    Our own St Mary of the Cross Interactive Wall will be opened on the morning of the 7th of August for teachers and students to learn about Mary’s life. Please feel welcome to come in and learn about Mary’s life on the walls outside the staff room.


    From the Sisters of Saint Joseph.


    The Sacrament of Confirmation is open to students in Year 6 and older. If you are wishing to enrol your child to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and have not already done so please complete the online form using following link:


    Confirmation Dates

    • Parent and Child Formation Session 1: Wednesday 21 August 5.30-6.30pm in the St Joseph's Parish Centre.
    • Parent and Child Formation Session 2: Wednesday 4 September 5.30-6.30pm in the St Joseph's Parish Centre.
    • Retreat Wednesday 11 September School Hours in the St Joseph's Parish Centre.
    • Sacrament Saturday 14 September 6:00 pm in the St Joseph's Parish Church.


    Kirstie Buckley

    Religious Education Coordinator

    Sustainability in Action

    Sustainability w2t3.jpg

    Tree Day Photography Contest 

    In honour of National Tree Day, we are having a photography contest. Photos must be taken by the student of any type of tree and must be printed for submission. 

    Please write your name, class, and the date the photo was taken on the back or on the envelope encasing the photo.

    Submissions are due this Friday to Mrs. McGee.


    Upcoming Dates:

    (Week 4) Friday, 16 August: Walk to School Day-from Lyneham Shops (In front of The Front)

    Friday, 16 August: Wear it Wild - Dress as a threatened species for a gold coin donation to the World Wildlife Foundation


    “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Our first two weeks of Term 3 have been loads of fun at Defence Kids Club. We’ve gotten a fabulous new stock of loom bands, we did some great clay designing and then there was our delicious fairy bread making. Not many pictures from the fairy bread making day - it was all eaten too quickly!

    Parents! I would love for you to join me for a Defence parents catch up here at school. Thursday 8th August, 2:15-3pm in the school staffroom. Come and join us before pick up, have a cup of tea and catch up with myself and other Defence parents.

    Have a great week!


    Lisa Bauer

    Defence Support Mentor


    Hello parents and families,

    Last term Mrs McGee worked with Year 4 on pollution within our oceans and Evelyne C came up with a fantastic idea to help reduce plastic pollution within our school. She spoke with me about how many Zooper Doopers come in as a treat for kids that have birthdays and she came up with Birthday Buckets using our yummy Eco Cubes.


    These are now available to order on Qkr! $15 for 30 fruit flavoured Eco Cubes and a special treat for the birthday child!

    Minimum 4 days notice required.



      Uniform Shop News
      Opening Hours Uniform Shop 2024 w2t2.png

      Congratulations to the Week 2 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Ari W

      Alivia T

      Foundation White

      Lukas G

      Madawi A

      1 Purple

      Chikasi O

      Scarlett H

      1 Teal

      Griffin M

      Emily L

      2 Magenta

      Blake B

      Antonino R

      Winifred W-B

      2 Yellow

      Hugo M

      Tommy S

      Billy T

      3 Black

      Wilhelmina C

      Hamish M

      3 Navy

      Laura P

      Austin J

      Eden N

      4 Gold

      Darcy E

      Mia B

      4 Green

      Samphel N

      Ivy E

      5 Blue

      Isabella-Marie P

      Teilo K-J

      5 Orange

      Vairaj B

      Atiana B

      6 Lime

      Aidan M

      Sophia A

      6 Silver

      Ishana M

      Emanuel S


      Sofia W

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week, and over the holidays:


      Margot S
      Maggie H
      Darcy E
      Keyu Q
      Stella M