St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 1 Term 1 2020 Newsletter

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Week 1 Term 1 2020 Newsletter

Dear parents, carers and the St Joseph’s community,


Welcome back to St Joseph’s for 2020. The beginning of the year has definitely been challenging for many, but in deciding where to start with the newsletter today, I have chosen a simple image that I believe focuses on the positive that comes from such tragedy and difficulty. Over recent weeks we have seen the incredible, in the face of adversity. Communities have rallied and already look ahead to rebuilding and celebrating the strength that comes from relying on others. Returning to school this week, for many, has been an important part of ‘getting on with it’. Therefore, let’s keep all in our thoughts and prayers over the coming weeks.

Dear God,

We have had time to rest,
And now we are full of energy.
We have had time to think,
And now we are full of ideas.
We have had time to stop,
And now it’s time to get going.
Be with us God we pray.


This week has been a wonderful start to the year. We have welcomed many new students and their families to the school and everyone is very settled. All the students I have spoken to have had stories to tell of their holidays and can already tell me of some of their goals for 2020. Please see linked here the letter of welcome sent home Monday which outlines the goals we have as a school for 2020. Welcome_Letter_2020.pdf

Foundation to Year 6 Parent Information Night and Welcome Nibbles

Next Thursday 13 February, we will have our Parent Information Night, followed by an opportunity to catch up as a community. With limited space due to the building works, please note the following details:

  • 5.30pm – All parents invited to go into their child’s classroom to meet the teacher and to have a look around the room. Children are welcome to show their parents around their classroom. Parents to supervise their children.
  • 6.00pm – All parents invited to the Hall for a whole-school information session. School-aged children will be supervised by YMCA staff on the oval/play equipment. Younger siblings can go to the Hall.
  • 6.30pm – Community gathering under the trees near the oval. Nibbles provided by the P&F. Parents very welcome to bring along a picnic blanket or chairs and a picnic.

Please see the flyer attached, which will also be sent home tomorrow with the eldest.

The ELC will have their own information session in Week 3. Details to be confirmed.


This week, each family will receive a number of forms copied on green paper. These family details forms must be returned to school by Friday 21 February, even if there are no changes. Of most importance is the completion of the Permissions for Photos to be used in school publications section. If you indicate that you allow photographs of your child to be used for publications, this now includes use on our school Facebook page. Please note that in most instances, images used on Facebook are quite general rather than individual students and names are only included after permission is granted.

A reminder of our note system – GET IT BACK GREEN. Any note that is sent home and needs to be returned to school, will be copied on green paper making it easier to recognise that action is needed.

Building Works

Hopefully, by now you will all have seen or heard about the start of our building works. Stage 1 of the project is underway, with the clearing of the site for the construction of 4 new classrooms in the area between the Foundation classrooms and the ELC.

Once completed midway through the year, our Year 1 and Year 2 classes will move into these new classrooms, allowing for the demolition and refurbishment of the downstairs classrooms in the original school building.

It is hoped that by the start of the 2021 school year, all 14 classes will finally be in their own designated areas around the school.  

Also starting soon will be the installation of two sandpits on the oval-side of the original playground area. This is following the work of the School Board in 2019 to seek concept designs for developing nature play spaces throughout our playground. During this work, areas adjacent to the play equipment will be fenced off, but only for a couple of weeks.


Car Park

Following the break and to inform our new families, please note that we have established guidelines to ensure the safety of all users and to facilitate the effective movement of traffic before and after school through our car park. Please follow these guidelines, particularly in regards to not parking on Boronia Drive - Car_Park_Guidelines_2020.pdf

Have a great end to the week.

Yours with Christ,

Cameron Tarrant


Religious Life of St Joseph’s

Welcome back to 2020. This year our Christ-Centred Community focus is ‘Be God’s Love’. This morning we introduced our focus to our students with our first Prayer

Celebration. My hope for 2020 is that everyone in our community knows that God is Love.

Prayer and Worship 

Student Led Christian Prayer

Each Friday after the first break Year 6 lead classes in prayer. This week we will focus on our Christ-Centred Community Scripture for 2020.

Liturgical Season: Fourth week of Ordinary Time, Year A

Liturgical Season Colour: Green

This week the focus is on the Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40

When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

At home we invite you to sing our focus song for 2020, “Be God’s” by Danielle Rose and discuss how we can Be God’s Love. You can view a version with the lyrics at:


Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments

Term 1 Liturgies and Class Masses

Week 2

Thursday 9.15am Opening School Mass

Friday 9.15am: Class Mass- Year 3, 2 Yellow and 6 Lime 

Week 3

Friday 9.15am Class Mass: Year 3, 2 Magenta and 6 Silver

Week 4

Wednesday 12.00pm- Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Friday 9.15am Class Mass: Year 3, 1 Teal  and 5 Orange

Week 5

Friday 9.15am Class Mass: Year 3, 1 Purple and 5 Blue

Week 6

Friday 9.15am Class Mass: Year 3, Foundation Red and 4 Green

Week 7

Thursday 9.15am St Joseph’s Feast Day Whole School

Friday 9.15am Class Mass: Year 3, Foundation White and 4 Gold

Week 8

Friday 9.15am Class Mass: Year 3 and ELC Frogs

Week 9

Friday 9.15am Class Mass: Year 3 and ELC Geckos

Week 10

Monday 9.15am Palm Sunday led by  1 Purple

Wednesday 9.15am Holy Thursday led by 3 Black

Thursday 9.15am Good Friday led by 5 Orange

Sacrament Dates 2020


Wednesday 11 March 5.30-6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Formation Session 1

Wednesday 18 March 5.30-6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Formation Session 2

Wednesday 1 April: Reconciliation Retreat Day

Wednesday 1 April 6.00pm-7.00pm: Sacrament of Reconciliation

First Holy Communion

Wednesday 13 May 5.30-6.30pm Sacrament of First Holy Communion Formation Session 1

Wednesday 27 May 5.30-6.30pm Sacrament of First Holy Communion Formation Session 2

Friday 12 June: First Holy Communion Retreat Day

Sunday 14 June 9.00am: Sacrament of First Holy Communion



Wednesday 14 October 5.30-6.30pm Sacrament of Confirmation Formation Session 1

Wednesday 21 October 5.30-6.30pm Sacrament of Confirmation Formation Session 2

Friday 30 October: Confirmation Retreat Day

Sunday 1 November 9.00am: Sacrament of Confirmation

Enrolment details for the Sacraments will be available next week.


Social Action & Justice

Religious Identity and Culture

Ethos and Charism

Our strategic priority to deepen our St Joseph’s identity means to deepen our understanding of our Josephite Charism.  We can learn much about our Josephite Charism through quotes from Saint Mary Mackillop.


Yours in Christ,

Melanie Stratford

Religious Education Coordinator

Nude Food Tuesday Returns!

Do not limit yourself to preparing nude food lunches on Tuesdays, and instead make everyday a Nude Food Day! Here are some tips to help maintain the school’s dedication to being sustainable and always reducing our waste output.

  • Get a head start. By food prepping on the weekend, we are less likely to opt for those more convenient packaged options. Take time to pre-cut your fruits and veggies and keep them in a sealed container in your fridge. Your future-self will thank you!
  • Buy in Bulk. Choose bulk packaged popcorn, chips and other yogurt over those that are individually wrapped. 
  • Start baking. Do away with those expensive, sugar-laden packaged lunch box snacks and discover how much easier, healthier and cheaper it can be to make them yourself. 

Involving kids in creating their lunches is the best way to ensure that they will enjoy them. They will take pride in selecting items that are both healthy and environmentally friendly when they have the power to choose!

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Ryan McGee

Sustainability Coordinator 

Defence School Mentor

Welcome back to all our Defence families. I always love this time of year, so many new beginnings. Defence Kids Club is back up and running plus we welcomed our new Year 6 students this week. I am looking forward to spending time with each of the year groups as the term progresses.


Community News

If your children are feeling anxious about the fires over the summer break, below are a couple of useful sites to check out. 


Looking forward to a fantastic year.

Sally Adams

Defence Support Mentor 

P&F Meeting - Wednesday 12 February 7.00pm in the Staffroom. All are welcome. It is a fete year!!

UNIFORM SHOP - Opening Hours 2020

Tuesday 8:45am to 9:15am

Friday 8:30am to 9:00am

Congratulations to this week's award recipients. 

1 Purple

Sebastian H

Evie McG

Amani N

1 Teal

Jack D

Louis B

Marial W

2 Magenta

Connor J

Lara S

2 Yellow

Makur W

James J

Leah F-C

3 Black

Blake B

Kayla N

3 Navy

Scarlett P

Kobe P

4 Gold

Lucy P

Hamish E

4 Green

Marnie C

Troy T

5 Blue

Leon F-S

Daniel McK

5 Orange

Amy D

Henry D

6 Lime

Cameron J

Christelle M

6 Silver

Chloe C-J

Wylie A

Happy birthday to these students celebrating their birthdays this week:

Ashley F
Sophia D
Mae T
Edmund G


Woden Valley Youth Choir has provided a music education to hundreds of students from ACT and surrounding region for over 50 years.   WVYC offers a dynamic choral programme for young people aged 8 to 25 and we are proud to provide so many positive benefits to our members: the value of learning to sing with confidence, positive self-esteem, and performance skills, which will hold them in good stead for the rest of their lives. WVYC is a not-for-profit community choir with a strong music education programme. We don’t just sing – we become musicians.

WVYC will hold an open day on Tuesday 18 February.   Auditions will follow, for those interested, on Saturday 22 February.   We have vacancies in all choirs although quite limited places in our high school/university age treble voice choir.  We are especially keen to audition more young men for our changing and changed voices choir, Centauri Voices.  For more information on open day times and auditions please go to and download an application form or email or phone 1300 599 655.