St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 10 Term 3 2020 Newsletter

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Week 10 Term 3 2020 Newsletter

Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,


I cannot believe that another term is nearly over (only two more get ups!). It has been fantastic to see the progress being made with our building works and more importantly to witness the amazing learning that has taken place. I asked some students to share their greatest ‘take-away’ from the term …

Staffing News

A big thank you to Chris Johnson who has worked in the Library this term, her passion for literature has been thoroughly enjoyed by all the students. We will see Chris again next term in her capacity as a relief teacher. We are pleased to announce that Catherine Parmenter will be returning to St Joseph’s for two days a week during Term 4 after extended leave due to Covid-19. Thank you, Chris, and welcome back Catherine!

Term 3 House Points

Congratulations to members of Fatima who were our winning House for Term 3. It was a fight to the finish with Loretto missing out on their first win by a mere 200 points! Members of Fatima will be treated to a Pizza Lunch on Thursday. All students are invited to wear free clothes on Friday to celebrate their successes this term.

Anxiety Workshop for Parents

A reminder that tonight at 7:00pm, our Student and Family counsellor, Mark Holberton is hosting an evening session for parents, focused on supporting students with anxiety.

The session will cover the topics:

  • Understanding anxiety
  • Signs to look out for in children
  • How to know when children need professional support
  • Way’s to support them
  • Parental self-care
  • Opportunity for questions

If you would like to join this online information session, please follow the link below.

Meeting ID: 985 5567 0582

Social and Emotional Learning

Over the past fortnight, I have been talking to the students about resilience. We have been speaking about how helpful and unhelpful thinking that can either help or hinder our capacity for resilience. How a person thinks about an event influences how they feel and act because of it.

I introduced ‘Mind Hooks’ as a way for students to identify how our inner voice can lead to unhelpful ways of thinking:

Me, me, me – blaming ourselves for all difficulties without considering external or uncontrollable factors that may have contributed to the situation (‘It’s all my fault’).  

Them, them, them – blaming others or external forces for negative outcomes without considering how our own behaviour may have contributed to the problem (‘I can’t do it because she didn’t explain it properly’).

Always, always, always – thinking that negative or unfavourable events are permanent (I am terrible at English, I will never understand’).

Everything, everything, everything – seeing negative events as all-encompassing and related to all aspects of life (‘Everything I do is useless’).    

Book Week 2020

Time to Panic... almost! Due to COVID-19, Book Week in 2020 moved into Term 4, 17 to 23 October. On Wednesday 21 October, we will hold a virual Book Week Parade - more information to come early next term. So start to think about those costumes!


I hope you enjoy the change of pace that the holiday period brings!

Yours in Christ,

Amy Doszpot

Assistant Principal

Religious Life of St Joseph's

Our St Joseph Charism

 Our week 10 focus is: 




The preparation and delivery of the Sacraments at St Joseph’s is Parish-based and supported by the school. The enrolment for all the Sacraments occurs at the beginning of each school year via a Google form. All Sacraments in the Archdiocese of Canberra were initially cancelled for 2020 due to COVID 19, however the later easing of restrictions has enabled us to offer a modified form of the Sacraments. Navigating the challenges and changes associated with COVID 19 requires a complex level of planning and organisation to ensure that our plans comply with the frequently changing regulations. The current Covid restrictions limit the number of people to 35 in the Parish centre. This means that all Sacramental formation for both children and parents needs to be a home-based program. The current Covid restrictions limit the number of people in the church to 100. This means that Sacramental Masses are arranged to prioritise immediate family members, with more than one Mass offered to accommodate the needs of families and this requirement. In lieu of a celebratory cake after the Mass we are able to share a socially distanced cupcake to commemorate this occasion as a community.


Father Paul and I have worked hard together to plan for the Sacrament of Confirmation for 2020 and to anticipate how to best serve our community during this unprecedented time. We greatly appreciate your flexibility and understanding as we try to meet the needs of your children and family in the preparation for this important milestone in your child’s faith formation during this challenging time.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be a home-based program. We have ordered the formation materials and our plan is that they will arrive this week so that we can send them home with the students before the school holidays. While Year 6 will be undertaking some formation regarding this Sacrament in class, our Religious Education curriculum does not directly cover the Sacrament of Confirmation and is inclusive of students not making the Sacrament. Our retreat day is also inclusive of all students in Year 6.

At this stage, to accommodate families, there will be two separate Sacrament of Confirmation Masses. The Masses will occur at either 2.00pm or 3.00pm on Sunday 1 November. A Google form for families to nominate a Mass preference will be shared shortly, with a priority placed on first in, first preference allocated. This form will also ask for families to assist our preparations by making cupcakes to share after each Mass.

Year 6 Leadership Day

Year 6 are excited to organise an End of Term 3 Fun Day. They have been working hard to prepare a range of fun activities in their Leadership Teams.
Copy of Copy of Ever generous God, You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop To live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and constant in bringing hope and encouragement to those who we.png
Yours in Christ,
Melanie Stratford

Religious Education Coordinator

Sustainability in Action

The Ooshie raffle organised by Milana, Chloe and Bridgette will take place this Friday. For every 3 Ooshies brought in, students will get a raffle ticket for some awesome sustainability prizes.


Ooshies cannot be recycled through our regular collection and need to go through be sent to Terracycle. “This way we are saving Ooshies from going to landfill and making sure they are recycled. Otherwise, they will be here for about 1000 years!” They said.


“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Ryan McGee

Sustainability Coordinator 

Defence School Mentor News

The end of term brings great excitement for the holidays ahead. I am looking forward to the holiday stories when the kids return for term 4. Travel safe everyone.

Defence Community Organisation and Services for Reservists

The families of Reserve members can access a broad range of support services, particularly when the Reservist is on continuous full-time service or away on deployment or exercise. Please find more information on the DCO website


Sally Adams

Defence School Mentor 

Happy birthday to these students celebrating their birthdays this week and over the school holidays:


Nova S
Atem M
Joshua O'K
Alyssa D
Milli C
Patrick McD
Toby S
Frankie Q
Adam L
Wylie A
Rishaan M

The Uniform Shop Is Looking For New Members!

The Uniform Shop needs new members! The Uniform Shop provides a uniform delivery service of both new and second-hand uniforms to St Joseph’s school families. Members of the Uniform Shop volunteer some of their time to help organise children’s uniform orders. New team members will get training about how the ordering system on Qkr works, as well as how to organise and deliver uniforms. The uniform shop is open once a week on Thursday, 8:30-9:00 am and supports members to take flexible shifts. Additional help is needed urgently because right now there are only three uniform team members.

Uniform member Kate says, “It is like being in a community.”  Monique says she loves volunteering in the Uniform Shop because, “You get to know the teachers, parents and the kids.”

All profits from the uniform shop go to the P&F and are used to buy school resources, equipment and support the running of the canteen. If you think that joining our team of fun and committed volunteers is something you can do, please contact

Kate Osborn at or on 0423 103 015

Written by Isabelle T and Rea N

Uniform Shop Prices

This year has been challenging, from home-schooling to playing soccer while (attempting) self-distancing! Our wonderful school and our P&F have not been immune to the effects of 2020: we had to cancel the fete, and numerous other fun events. But rest assured we have some great things on the horizon.

However, we want to ensure that we continue to provide for the kids as best we can. So, for the first time in years, our uniform shop will be altering our prices. We know that this might come as a shock to you, but please know that every cent of profit goes back into our school.

Over the years we have provided play equipment, barbecues, helped fund farewells and even shifted a couple of tonne of mulch! We want to continue to do these things even if we can’t fundraise in the usual way!

Our prices will change on 24 September 2020. The new prices will be available in Qkr! that same day.

Thank you to everyone for your donations of second-hand summer uniform! Prices for these items will remain at $5.


Are you looking for a summer sport?



The Joeys Phantoms have long had an association with St Joseph's and therefore we are keen to see this continue. With the call out above for younger players to play teeball, there is also a call out to new players and past players to register to play softball in the older age groups. For Joeys Phantoms to be able to enter a softball team in the 2020 / 2021 season, more players and also a coach and / or manager are needed. 

If you would like to find out more about registering to play softball, please see the Softball ACT website - or contact Carolyn McFarland - .

Congratulations to this week's award recipients. 

Students are now receiving their Awards at Morning Gathering on Friday, but we are still unable to welcome parents to join us. 

Foundation Red

Claire A

Indiana M

Foundation White

Madeline O'B

Audrey B

1 Purple

Evie McG

Emma P

Leo W

1 Teal

Louis B

Vairaj B

Leilani T

2 Magenta

Mary C

Connor J

2 Yellow

Isabella H

James J

Sophia R

3 Black

Blake B

Stefano V

3 Navy

Attharva T

Louis P

4 Gold

Nate R

Nathan N

4 Green

Bridget M

Hudson W

5 Blue

Joshua O'K

Celeste P

Sophie P

5 Orange

Milli C

Amy D

6 Lime

Christelle M

Chelsea P

6 Silver

Alec F

Rea N

Madeline S


Milana R

chloe C

Bridgette D