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Welcome back to 2021. We have had a wonderful week so far, with the students enjoying their new classrooms and hopefully making some new friends. It is an exciting time, but also a time of uncertainty for many. It has been nice to see teachers and staff taking the time to meet students as they come into the school and help them settle, regardless of the class they are in. I hope that you have all heard some good stories from your children at the end of the day.
A highlight has been sending the classes off on Monday morning into the completed classrooms! After 12 months of construction, and more than 3 years of planning, the building project is almost at full completion. With only some external works on the MacArthur Ave side of the school still being undertaken, it is timely to thank Arron Binutti and Daniel our site foreman, and all the workers from Binutti Constructions and their contractors, for the incredible job done on the new school building and internal renovations. It really is an impressive result of which we can all be very proud. Thank you also to the many parents that have been involved at the School Board level to plan for and support the construction project. Later in the year there will be a formal opening ceremony, but in the meantime, I hope you all find a chance in the coming weeks to pop in and see the end result.
Foundation to Year 6 Parent Information Session and Open Classrooms
In light of the ongoing COVID requirements, it is important that we find ways to come together and to build community. Therefore, next Wednesday 10 February at 5.30pm there will be a Parent Information Session hosted on Zoom by myself and the Leadership Team. The purpose of this session is to share with the wider community the plans for the year, revisit some of the day to day information that is important at the start of the year and to make ourselves available for questions. All parents are encouraged to access the information session via the link - .
It is also important for parents to come in and meet their child’s teacher, so on Monday 15 February between 5.00 – 6.00pm, all parents are invited to come into the school and visit the classrooms. This is a chance to meet the teacher, gather some brief information about the year ahead and to ask any questions. Parents can come at any time during the open classroom session, but are asked to not spend the entire hour in the school – we are still needing to limit the number of visitors in the school at the one time. Full details and COIVD related requirements will be sent out prior to the open classrooms.
The ELC will undertake their own information sessions in Week 3. Details to be confirmed.
Updated Information
This week, each family will receive a number of forms copied on green paper. These family details forms must be returned to school by Friday 19 February, even if there are no changes. Of importance is the completion of the Permissions for Photos to be used in school publications section. If you indicate that you allow photographs of your child to be used for publications, this now includes use on our school Facebook page. Please note that in most instances, images used on Facebook are quite general rather than individual students and names are only included after permission is granted. Also important is to ensure all medical requirements are updated. Current students on asthma and/or alergy or anaphylaxis plans will be provided an additional form to update our records.
Please provide all required medication for those students currently on medical plans - PRIOR TO MONDAY 8 FEBRUARY (SWIMMING CARNIVAL).
A reminder of our note system – GET IT BACK GREEEN. Any note that is sent home that needs to be returned, will be copied on green paper making it easier to recognise that action is needed.
Swimming Carnival
Next Monday 8 February is our swimming carnival at Dickson Aquatic Centre. Due to COVID requirements, all attendees on the day not staff or students must be registered as 'helpers'. This is because the venue is closed to the public for the duration of the carnival. If you would like attend the carnival on the day, please contact Koby Allan via email to be added to the list of 'helpers'.
Newsletter 2021
At the end of 2020, we requested some feedback in regards to our weekly newsletter. Thank you to those who provided valuable feedback. As we continue to look at the best ways to communictae with the school community, we have opened the survey for another week and a half. If you would like to provide comment, please complete the survery at the link below.
Safer Internet Day - for parentsThe Office of the eSafety Commissioner is running free parent webinars as part of Safer Internet Day 2021 next Tuesday - a global campaign, supported by millions of people in 170 countries across the world.
Sign up for the Safer Internet Day webinars for parents and carers, eSafety’s guide to cyberbullying and online drama via their website -
The eSafety Commissioner's site also has a great section specifically for parents or children of all ages about everything from teaching good online habits, to understanding privacy settings, to dealing with online bullying and image-based abuse -
Have a great end to the week.
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
With a Father’s Heart - The Year of St Joseph
We begin our school year with a year-round focus on our patron saint, Saint Joseph. Pope Francis has formally announced that 2021 is the Year of St Joseph, to commemorate his 150th Anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church.
In our prayers, as we begin the new school year, we pray to St Joseph the Worker. Saint Joseph is held up as a model of such work. Pius XII emphasised this when he said, “The spirit flows to you and to all men from the heart of the God-man, Savior of the world, but certainly, no worker was ever more completely and profoundly penetrated by it than the foster father of Jesus, who lived with Him in closest intimacy and community of family life and work.”
To foster deep devotion to Saint Joseph among Catholics, Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker in 1955. This feast extends the long relationship between Joseph and the cause of workers in both Catholic faith and devotion.
We will be unpacking the many different aspects of St Joseph each term that Pope Francis discusses in his Apostolic Letter including;
- A beloved father
- A tender and loving father
- An obedient father
- An accepting father
- A creatively courageous father
- A working father
- A father in the shadows
Throughout the year, we will pray to St Joseph using Pope Francis’ prayer:
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.
Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,
and defend us from every evil. Amen.
Religious Education Coordinator
Sustainability in Action
At St Joseph’s, we know reducing is best, but there are just some products that need to be recycled. We are currently running 5 recycling programs that you can contribute to with goods from home.
- Lids 4 Kids recycles plastic caps into a variety of objects. Please be sure your caps are cleaned before drop off.
- Bring in your used Nespresso, L’Or , illy or Moccona coffee pods. Please pay attention to the bucket they are placed in, as they are sent to different locations.
- Any toothbrushes, tubes of toothpaste, floss containers or oral hygiene products can be recycled through the Colgate Oral Care Recycling Program (products may be any brand).
- Pens, textas and any other writing tools are also part of our weekly collection.
- Batteries will be taken to Aldi for recycling.
Please bring these items to the Sustainability Buckets, across from the Staff Room.
“The greatest threat to our earth is the belief that someone else will save it.” -Robert Swan
Ryan McGee
Hello everyone,
Welcome to 2021. My name is Katie and I will be your new Canteen Manager.
The canteen will operate Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, starting in Week 2.
We are always happy to have help in the canteen! If there are any parents/carers are interested in helping out in the canteen this term, please do not hesitate to drop into the canteen and say hello or to email me at
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students are now receiving their Awards at Morning Gathering on Friday, but we are still unable to welcome parents to join us.
Foundation Red | Rest Day | Foundation White | Rest Day |
1 Purple |
Christian D Isla C |
1 Teal |
Addison F Adam L |
2 Magenta |
Karma L Mae T |
2 Yellow |
Edison T Arlie B |
3 Black |
Shamita B Clementine S |
3 Navy |
Julian F Holly H |
4 Gold |
Faith Y Stefano V |
4 Green |
Louis P Kayla N |
5 Blue |
Maggie M Hudson W |
5 Orange |
Reese McG Dominic S |
6 Lime |
Emilia R Milli C |
6 Silver |
Elise M Kristian S |
Sustainability |
Joshua O'K Tom F Daniel M |