St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 9 Term 2 2022 Newsletter

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Week 9 Term 2 2022 Newsletter
    Dear parents and carers and the St Joseph’s community,

    A prayer for today –

    I asked for Strength… And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.

    I asked for Wisdom… And God gave me Problems to solve.

    I asked for Prosperity… And God gave me a Brain and Brawn to work.

    I asked for Courage… And God gave me Danger to overcome.

    I asked for Love… And God gave me Troubled people to help.

    I asked for Favors… And God gave me Opportunities.

    I got nothing I wanted… but received everything I needed!

    Author Unknown

    Dear parents and carers and the St Joseph’s community,

    On Sunday, 35 students from St Joseph’s Primary School and the parish, celebrated their First Holy Communion. Our families and friends also witnessed the Baptism of 4 children, whom we welcomed into the faith. The Mass was a lovely gathering of our wider school and parish community. Thank you to Fr Paul and Melanie Stratford for supporting and preparing the children for these important stages in their faith journey. Thank you also to our Year 4 teachers, Jayde McKenzie and Georgina Jaram for leading the Year 4 students through the sacramental program at school.


    Protected Industrial Action

    This afternoon it was announced that next Thursday 30 June, all teachers and support staff in Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn will be able to take Protected Industrial Action in relation to the Hear Our Voice Campaign for a fair deal for teachers and support staff. Please see the Compass alert sent 3.00pm today.


    Over the past weeks, I have had the pleasure of meeting new families wishing to join the St Joseph’s School community, and those returning once again with younger siblings. A question I ask in the enrolment interview is, ‘Why St Joseph’s?’ It is always so affirming to be able to ask this question and to hear the responses on behalf of our whole community. St Joseph’s is a close-knit, small community school of choice where the children and families are known and cared for. We have much of which to be proud and I thank all parents and carers for the high regard you obviously hold the school, the staff and each other.

    We are continuing to seek new enrolments into Foundation for 2023, as well as into most other grades across the school. If you have the opportunity to share with friends and families what makes St Joseph’s a great school, it would be wonderful to welcome more new families into St Joseph’s in the future.

    This is also the time for our Year 6 students, and at times other families, to make decisions for the coming year. For our Year 6 families, please let your child’s teacher know the high school they will be attending in 2023 as we need to gather this information before the end of the year.  Likewise, if your child is in another year, and you are leaving St Joseph’s at the end of 2022, please inform the school as soon as possible to assist with planning for next year.

    Open Classrooms + Free Coffee!

    All parents and carers are invited to join us at school next Wednesday morning 29 June from 8.00am for a free coffee thanks to the generous support of the P&F, followed by the opportunity to chat with teachers and visit the classrooms from 8.20am. We are looking forward to seeing you all on the day.




    The next committee meeting is on Tuesday 28 June at 7.30pm at Howling Moon.

    If you are interested in joining the Committee, or want to know more, please contact:

    Caroline Odgers on or 0404 687 663

    Tell Them From Me Survey


    A final reminder for parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.

    The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Joseph’s Primary School.

    The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant


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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s

    Religious Identity and Culture

    Evangelisation and Faith Formation

    The Sacraments are signs of God’s grace and love. Celebrating the Sacraments deepens our personal understanding and faith. A big congratulations to the children who made their First Holy Communion last Sunday. Our celebration of this step in the faith formation of these children was enhanced by the inclusion of the Baptism of 4 children. Congratulations also to Holly H, James J, Ishana and Rishaan M for becoming a part of our Catholic family through Baptism.

    Henry Emily Evie
    Sophia Connor Bonnie
    Caetano Ishana Marvin
    Kathy Dylan Sophia
    Mary Parick Anna
    Maddison Alexander Lara
    Luke James Emanuel
    Julian Alice Scarlett
    Bridie Astrid Isaac
    Luerice Aaron Edward
    James Leah Holly

    Prayer and Worship

    Prayer and worship is integral to the life of all Catholic schools and has the potential to nourish the spiritual growth of all members of the school community.

    Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Class Masses

    Week 9 - Thursday 9:15am - Year 4

    Week 10 - Friday NAIDOC Prayer Celebration 2:15pm

    Sacrament Dates 2022

    As we are a growing community we are asking families to help us be as prepared as possible by enrolling in all Sacraments for 2022 now. Please use the following link to enrol in all Sacraments for 2022.

    Confirmation for students in Year 6

    Parent and Child Formation Sessions TBC

    Sacrament Retreat: Wednesday 14 September - school hours

    Sacrament Mass: Wednesday 14 September - Time TBC


    Social Action and Justice

    St Joseph’s works to build the dispositions of empathy and solidarity in our students through programs for service- learning, social justice and outreach experiences.

    Vinnies Youth Social Justice Workshops

    This Friday Year 3-6 students engage in service learning with the Vinnies Youth Team who will lead us in a Social Justice workshop. This Social Justice workshop will help to build our understanding of human dignity and social justice. 

    Vinnies Winter Appeal

    This term our social action and justice is centred on the Vinnies Winter Appeal. You can contribute by donating clean:

    • Gloves
    • Socks
    • Jackets
    • Beanies
    • Blankets
    • Sleeping Bags

    ​These donations go directly to people in need in our community. Send your donations in with your child to be placed in the baskets located in the Courtyard or drop larger items to the front office.

    Wellbeing Team


    This Friday our Year 6 Wellbeing team are running a lunch time activity called “What’s in your backpack?” This activity aims to raise awareness of those impacted by homelessness and support our students to make connections between the needs of people impacted by homelessness and the Vinnies Winter Appeal.

    Junior Joeys Social Action Group


    Our current focus is the Catholic Social teaching of Preferential Option for the Poor. Our focus question is: Who needs extra help in our community?

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action

    Where does your lunch come from? Year 4 is looking at the origins of their food and the journey it has taken to get onto their plates. In thinking about the water, labour, fuel, space and love that it takes to make our food, we are hopeful students and families will be more mindful in preventing food waste.

    Year 2 is currently learning about the rainforest and sadly, deforestation. In an effort to prevent more trees from being cut down, these students are thinking about how eating less meat can be good for the earth. Stay tuned for a Save the Rainforest Cookbook, filled with Year 2’s favourite vegetarian meals!

    “Once in your life you may need a doctor, a lawyer, a police officer or a preacher. But everyday, 3 times a day, you need a farmer.”-Anonymous

    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability coordinator 

    ACT Cross Country

    Congratulations to Oliver L, Verity L, Olivia O, Leilani T and Felix P who competed at the ACT Cross Country on Wednesday 15th June.  They competed against the top runners in the ACT. They did a fantastic job and were excellent representatives of St Joseph’s, well done! 

    Congratulations to Oliver, Verity and Felix who were successful in being selected in the ACT Cross Country Team to compete in Adelaide in August. Goof Luck!

    Koby Allan 

    If you’d like to talk about any concerns about your child, you can contact me via email  at or phone 0488 468 056.

    Kind regards

    Kerry Marshall

    Student and Family Counsellor

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    St Joseph's Fete

    It is on! Save the date!

    Sunday 6 November

    The next committee meeting is on Tuesday 28 June at 7.30pm at Howling Moon.


    Hello Parents and Carers,


    New volunteers are always welcome, please don’t hesitate to email me on or pop in and say hi.


    Katie Jenkin

    Canteen Manager

    Congratulations to the Week 9 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    Kenzington S

    Jordan S

    Michael H

    Foundation White

    Asher F

    Xavier P-E

    1 Purple

    Eden N

    Jackson B

    1 Teal

    Mia M

    Beatrice H

    2 Magenta

    Bhavin S

    Daniel W

    2 Yellow

    Christian D

    Enoch A

    3 Black

    Alice Z

    Beau W

    3 Navy

    Jeremy P

    Ajmer S

    Amelia T

    4 Gold

    Verity L

    Luke D

    4 Green

    Connor J

    Holly H

    5 Blue

    Callum A

    Amaani S

    5 Orange

    Louis P

    Janek W

    6 Lime

    Jacob H

    Odette S

    6 Silver

    Lottie W-B

    Lucy P

    Dominic S


    Bailey S

    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


    Lucy P
    Louis P
    Brooke H
    Ivy S
    Faith Y


    Date: Tuesday 5th July 2022

    Age Group: 5-12 years

    Registration Time: 8:30am

    Day Concludes: 3:30pm

    Location: 14 Torrens Street, Braddon, ACT, 2612

    Cost: $90 (+ Eventbrite fee)

    Link to register:

    If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us or the Raiders events team via email:
