St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 8 Term 2 2023 Newsletter

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Week 8 Term 2 2023 Newsletter

    Dear parents and carers,

    Over the past week I have spoken with the students and teachers about celebrating the great things that are happening in our school. I have actively invited teachers to ask students to come and tell me about how they have been positive and engaged in the classroom, helpful to others, kind-spirited, or perhaps just picking up a piece of rubbish without being asked. It has been a delight to speak with the students as they proudly tell me what they have been recognised for… and to give out stickers and House Points!

    We will continue this positive focus for the remainder of the term.

    A visit from the Director of Catholic Education – Mr Ross Fox

    Today we were privileged to have Mr Ross Fox, Director of Catholic Education come and spend a couple of hours at St Joseph’s. I was very proud to take him through our classrooms to witness the great teaching and learning that was taking place. Mr Fox was very keen to see how the InitiaLit and Spelling Mastery programs were being utilised in our classrooms, and the impact they are having on student outcomes. In each classroom, the teachers and students were fully engaged in the learning, highlighting the work by the teachers in recent years to ensure High Impact Teaching Practices are evident in every classrooms. Mr Fox was also very taken with the ‘feel’ of the school and shared wonderful feedback that he has received about the St Joseph’s community.

    Parent / Teacher Interviews 

    A reminder that the Semester 1 Report will not include written comments. Instead, Parent / Teacher interviews will be held next week, allowing for teachers and parents to engage in valuable conversation around areas of growth and priority areas going forward.

    Interviews will take place face to face with an online day offered.

      • Monday - Face to Face
      • Tuesday - Online via MS Teams
      • Wednesday - Face to Face. Late night until 6:30 pm
      • Thursday - Face to Face 

    A follow up alert will be sent via Compass tomorrow as a final reminder. 

    Tell Them From Me Survey

    One last reminder that students, teachers and parents have been invited to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process and it is good to hear from many parents and carers.
    We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Joseph's.
    The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The survey is open till 16 June and you are able to access it on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:


    Enrolments for 2024 in both the primary school and ELC are very healthy. Please make sure that you have shared that it is enrolment time for our school and to encourage any interested families to make a time to come for a tour.


    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

    Read Less

    Sustainability in Action

    Growing a Winter Garden

    Year 4 has been working diligently on our winter garden, growing garlic, lettuces, snow peas, cabbage and broccoli. These glorious gardeners have been examining the ecosystem within the garden, studying the producers, consumers and decomposers that make our garden thrive.


    OzHarvest Lessons

    Year 5 is enjoying OzFeast lessons with Year 6, creating culinary delights mindful of using up potential food waste. This week Year 6 will enjoy our kitchen garden cabbage in a crunchy noodle salad.

    Keep Warm Wednesday

    Don’t forget a keep-cup on Wednesday for a warm treat! The canteen is serving hot chocolate- 50c in a keep cup or $1 to use a canteen cup.


    Changemakers are looking to create sustainable solutions for our Canteen waste. If you have a paper shredder collecting dust , please consider donating for this environmentally friendly cause!


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator


    Overdue Books!


    Overdue notices for all students were sent out last week. Could all books please be returned ASAP (even if it is not your library day). If you have any questions or queries please email me at

    Georgina Jaram


      Uniform Shop News

      Congratulations to the Week 8 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Emily L

      Eli T

      Foundation White

      Jayden L

      Scarlett H

      1 Purple

      Amelia B

      Dut K

      1 Teal

      Oliver D

      Grace M

      2 Magenta

      Ishane D

      Jasmeen S

      Kathrine M

      2 Yellow

      Louis D

      Sahana B

      3 Black

      Ivy S

      Bhavin S

      3 Navy

      Audrey B

      Zara J

      4 Gold

      Sara S

      Toby S

      Anna J

      4 Green

      Marial W

      Beau W

      5 Blue

      Ishana M

      Astrid P

      Scarlett S

      5 Orange

      Henry A

      Bridie F

      Bailey S

      6 Lime

      Dechen P

      Eoin S

      6 Silver

      Callum A

      Imogen W

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Wadha A
      Wishmitha G
      Amelia W
      Jeremy P
      Dut K
      Marcos D-C
      Christina T
      Mia M


